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Uber’s US Safety Report

Part of our commitment to making Uber a safe platform for everyone.

At Uber, we embed safety into everything we do. We’re committed to continually improving the safety of our platform for all who use it. This is why we released our industry-first US Safety Report in 2019 to track our progress, drive accountability, and strengthen safety on our platform and beyond.

Our first Safety Report covered the years 2017 and 2018. Our second covered 2019 and 2020. This report, our third, looks at 2021 and 2022.

The scope of our Safety Reports

These reports examine data from Uber’s rideshare platform in the US. As the numbers in all 3 reports show, critical safety incidents on our platform are, statistically, extremely rare. But even one critical safety incident is unacceptable because it represents the personal experience of someone in the Uber community. Our work on safety is never done, and we’re constantly raising the bar.


Frequently asked questions

Questions and answers to help you understand Uber’s US Safety Reports.

  • Uber’s US Safety Reports include information about Uber’s actions related to safety and data on the most serious safety incidents reported on our rideshare platform. These incidents include traffic fatalities, fatal physical assaults, and sexual assaults.

  • Most companies don’t talk about these hard issues, and they don’t share data about serious safety incidents because doing so can invite negative attention—even though these incidents affect all companies. We believe it’s time for a new approach. Keeping this information secret doesn’t make anyone safer. These reports bring hard data to bear in order to drive accountability and improve safety for Uber and the entire industry.

  • In order to improve something, you have to measure it. Yet data on serious safety issues, especially sexual violence, is sparse and inconsistent. By sharing hard data, we can hold ourselves accountable and share best practices with other companies for the benefit of everyone.

  • Yes. Our reports include sexual assault incidents reported by drivers and riders, plus fatal physical assaults and fatal motor vehicle crashes that occurred in connection with the Uber platform, regardless of who the victim or accused party was.

  • You can get help from or report an incident to Uber’s dedicated 24/7 Safety Support team through the Help menu in your Uber app. Alternatively, you can report a safety issue online if you’re a rider, driver, or Uber Eats customer. Also, riders have the option to report an incident while they’re on a trip, discreetly in the app through Uber’s On-Trip Reporting feature.

Published in August 2024. The data included in this report* and on this page is being provided for informational purposes only and reflects incidents reported to Uber in numerous ways, as discussed further herein. The data consists of reported incidents that allegedly occurred in connection with (as defined here) an Uber-facilitated trip and includes such reports even if there is no allegation against a rider or driver connected with the trip. Given the limitations described herein, Uber does not assess or take any position on whether any of the reported incidents actually occurred, in whole or in part. The report is issued as of its publication date. Uber has undertaken reasonable efforts to ensure that the data, analysis, statements, representations, and other content contained in the report are accurate as of the publication date, and we will not update the report or its contents after such publication date.

*This disclaimer also applies in full to Uber’s first and second US Safety Reports, published in December 2019 and June 2022, respectively.