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Uber Black

Uber Black matches riders with top-rated drivers driving luxury vehicles for a higher price. Whether for a business meeting or a special night out, riders rely on Uber Black for a 5-star experience.

Uber Black requirements


Only specific vehicle makes and models qualify for Uber Black and/or Uber Black SUV trips (see link below). The vehicle's model year must be no older than 6 years ago. The vehicle must also have a black exterior and a black leather or vegan leather interior.


All drivers using Uber Black must maintain a 4.85 rating or above. Star ratings are based on drivers’ most recent 500 rated trips.


Drivers using Uber Black must be professional drivers with commercial auto insurance (personal auto insurance does not qualify) and have all permits required by their city to operate a commercial livery vehicle in their area.

How to qualify

Meet Uber Black criteria

In addition to meeting the vehicle, trip, and rating criteria above, you must also possess the required documentation to receive Uber Black trips in your city.

To receive Uber Black trip requests, you must have a qualifying Uber Black vehicle and must maintain a 4.85+ rating. Please check to see if your city is accepting new Uber Black drivers.

Drive when you want

When you’re online, you can choose to receive only Uber Black trip requests. Or you can also accept UberX, UberPool, and/or UberXL trips.

Maintain a 4.85 rating

To be able to continue to drive with Uber Black, drivers will need to maintain a 4.85 or above rating. If your rating falls below 4.85, it will be reassessed after your next 50 trips for requalification.

How your rating is calculated

Your rating is an average of your most recent 500 trips

  • This applies to all trips (e.g., Uber Black, Uber Black SUV, UberPool, UberX, UberXL)
  • Canceled trips do not count toward your rating

More high-rated trips help improve your rating

  • Since your rating is an average of your last 500 trips, the more 5-star trips you do, the more your rating will go up

Understanding your rating

Your rating is based on your most recent 500 trips, so it will change as you do more trips. Check out our Uber Black Guide for pro tips that might help you increase your rating.

If your rating falls below 4.85 after gaining eligibility, you'll have the chance to regain access to Uber Black. After every 50 trips completed, ineligible drivers will have their rating reassessed. If your rating (still based on the last 500 trips) is 4.85 or above, you'll be eligible again.

Want to drive with Uber Black? Read our 5-Star Pro Tips