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UberMENTOR: one ride, endless opportunity

October 3, 2017 / Boston
Featured image for UberMENTOR: one ride, endless opportunity
Dan Koh is running for Congress as a person who gets things done and never stops fighting for America’s values.
Born of Korean and Lebanese immigrants from Lawrence, Dan struggled and overcame the challenges of ADHD as a child and dedicated himself to helping others, most recently serving as Chief of Staff to Mayor Martin J. Walsh of Boston, overseeing 18,000 employees and a $3 billion budget, and one of the most prosperous 4-year stretches in Boston’s history, with record levels of employment and educational attainment.
Previously, Dan served as Chief of Staff to Arianna Huffington, Editor-in-Chief and Founder of The Huffington Post.  In this role, he leveraged the news organization’s vast reach to raise over $5m for nonprofits related to women’s issues, job attainment, and more.
Dan will bring his no-nonsense, get-it-done attitude to D.C., where he believes diversity should be celebrated, and that we all need to fight for the American dream -- giving our children a better life that we had, and a better world than the one we entered.
He holds a B.A from Harvard College and an M.B.A. from Harvard Business School, where he was President of his section.  He is an avid runner, having completed 29 marathons across the U.S. and Canada.  He is a native of Andover, Massachusetts and the proud husband of Amy Sennett, the love of his life.

Posted by Jordan


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