New features to make your people feel appreciated
Our latest updates help you improve efficiencies and show appreciation to the people most important to your business. Explore what’s new with features that reward teams and are easy to implement in the workplace.
See what's new on the platform
Recognize great work
A job well done is its own reward, but it doesn’t have to end there. According to Workhuman, 84% of employees who get regular recognition say they’re more fulfilled in their work.¹
Send gift cards directly from your dashboard
Now you can purchase individual or multiple gift cards from your Uber for Business dashboard that recipients can use on rides or meals.²
Customize vouchers
You’ll soon be able to add a personal touch to vouchers you send for meals or rides with our new custom messaging feature. You can say thanks in your own words or let emojis do the talking.
Create locked voucher templates
Share the love at scale with voucher templates. Locked settings give admins more control and let coordinators distribute the vouchers faster.
Bring your people together
Create memorable moments with meal and transportation features for everyone.
Simplify larger meals with group ordering
Employees can add their own items to a shared cart, which saves you time and keeps everyone happy. This feature is perfect for feeding teams large and small in the office or at off-site events.
Get moving together
Transport your people to and from company events as a group. Soon, organizations in the US will be able to use Uber Charter to book comfortable buses that accommodate up to 55 people in a single ride. You can book Uber Charter in the Uber app or on the web.³
Motivate teams with meals
Satisfied employees are more likely to innovate and contribute to a thriving work environment, according to a report from Inspirus.⁴
Reward late-night teams
Treat employees who go above and beyond to meals when they need to work late. Create a meal program with time, day, budget, and item restrictions to keep people fueled and stay in policy.
Set in-office dining on autopilot
Meal planning offers a simple solution to in-office meals for the whole team. Now admins can organize recurring group orders by inviting employees to choose from the options you’ve curated.
Platform updates built to improve your dashboard experience
Get up to speed on the latest improvements to the Uber for Business dashboard. This quarter, we launched a refreshed design, updated permissions, and improved the login experience.
Now you get a personalized homepage experience that gives you greater visibility into your organization’s summary of transactions like spending, activity, and more. Plus, it highlights what else you can do on the platform by offering relevant pages, suggested actions, and platform insights.
This new feature empowers you to grant specific employees access to particular administrative and reporting views, providing organizations with a greater level of personalization and efficiency.
Enhance security, keep your organization compliant, and improve productivity by using single sign-on (SSO) to access the Uber for Business dashboard.
Uber for Business: latest feature improvements
Looking for more information about Uber for Business updates? Get the full list of everything we launched this quarter.
Three-quarters of customers globally would recommend Uber for Business⁵
¹“Employee Recognition in the Workplace: The Benefits of Appreciation,” Alexis Zahner, LinkedIn, March 23, 2023.
²Feature and product availability may vary by country and device type. USD gift cards are issued by The Bancorp Bank, N.A.
³Uber Charter is provided in select locations by a third party, US Coachways, which is solely responsible for driver and vehicle screening, offers, support, and services with Uber Charter. Related terms in your contract with Uber won’t apply.
⁴“Employee Engagement Trends & Forecasts,” Inspirus, Q3 2023.
⁵Based on a September 2023 Uber-commissioned survey, 75% of clients (out of 6,305 total) would likely recommend Uber for Business to a colleague or someone in their professional network.
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