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Help with the app is available when you need it, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Here are some ways you can get answers and contact Uber for assistance.

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If you need help with the app, here are ways you can get support that’s fast, friendly, and available around the clock.

1. Tap Help in the app menu to see answers to frequently asked questions.

2. Don’t see the answer you need? Scroll down to call us.

3. You can also visit your local Greenlight Hub for assistance or submit a question at

If you contact Uber through, our support team will get back to you within 24 hours. You’ll receive a notification on your phone (if you have notifications enabled) letting you know that you’ve received a response. We’ll also send you an email.


我們致力於優先保障所有 Uber 使用者的安全。若您被捲入事故,請確認所有相關人士是否安全,並視情況通知警方和醫護人員。

You can report the accident to Uber by tapping the menu button, then Help, followed by Trip Issues and Adjustments, then I was in an accident. A member of Uber’s team will reach out to gather information about the accident.




Our website at has a wealth of great information for new and experienced drivers.


If you’d like to report an issue about your rider, tap the menu at the top left of the Driver app, then Help, followed by Trip Issues and Adjustments and Issue with a rider.


在某些城市,您可以透過 App 直接預約前往當地職業駕駛服務中心諮詢問題的時間。


  • Use the frequently asked questions inside your Driver app to get fast answers. You’ll find them by tapping the menu icon, then Help.

  • If you're having trouble signing in to your Driver app, you can reset your password here. Use the email address you believe is associated with your account. We'll send you an email with a link to reset your password.

  • 請先嘗試關閉 App (如有可能,請完全退出 App,而不是讓 App 持續在背景執行)。若重新開啟 App 仍無法解決問題,您可能需要重設手機的網路設定,或將職業駕駛端 App 刪除再重新安裝。

使用 App 上線開車
