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年長者是美國人口中成長最快的一個族群。2030 時,每 5 位美國人就會有一位年滿 65 歲以上。許多年長者族群的成員可能會發現出門變得越來越不方便,導致他們難以與親人、好友,甚至醫療人員碰面。良好的交通選項對於維護銀髮族的生活品質甚為關鍵。

資料來源:美國人口普查局,2018 年 9 月 6 日



不再只能仰賴家人接送或公共運輸服務,年長者 (不論是否擁有智慧型手機) 可透過 Uber 自行前往想去的地點。

Empowering senior centers with Uber Health

Senior centers across the country can provide residents with rides through Uber Health, which can request, manage, and pay for rides without requiring seniors to sign up for an Uber account.


只要點選幾下,就能為您關愛的親友預約行程。即使對方沒有 Uber App 也沒關係,他們會收到包含車輛資訊和職業駕駛手機號碼的訊息。

與 Meals on Wheels 合作提供志願服務

Since announcing our partnership with Meals on Wheels America in 2017, we have made a $1 million donation and led an annual volunteer drive in Chicago, San Francisco, and Washington, DC, where our employees, along with people who drive using the Uber app, helped package and deliver thousands of meals to seniors.