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Une meilleure façon de travailler

La nature du travail évolue, et nous le vivons avec vous. À mesure que le monde rouvre ses portes, nous partageons ce que nous avons appris pour améliorer le travail de tous.

Resources to reimagine the employee experience

Managing office reopening

Uber’s Head of Workplace, Michael Huaco, shares 5 tactics his team used when bringing employees back to offices across the globe.

Putting employee wellness first

Learn how to help your people thrive. Laura Faith, Uber’s Senior Director of People Experience and Operations, shares tips for building a more resilient, optimistic, and healthy workforce.

Reimagining the commute

In the new business landscape, flexible options are replacing traditional commuting. Learn how Uber is helping companies reshape how employees get around for work.

« Nos employés ont aimé pouvoir choisir exactement les repas qu'ils voulaient en soutenant les restaurants locaux. »

Michele Aweeky, Manager, Internal Communications, Unilever

Wherever you’re going, we’ll get there together

Uber for Business can help you and your employees adapt to new ways of working today and in the future.

Matière à réflexion

Meal programs are among employees’ favorite benefits. Offering meal delivery from local restaurants can keep morale high, improve engagement, and increase retention.

Power of one platform

From commute programs to in-office delivery of meal orders, there are so many ways to use Uber for Business to help get your people back to their desks.

Gestion simplifiée des avantages

Our dashboard makes it easy to manage your meal and ride programs, create spending limits, and gain insights into overall usage.

Partner with a global platform that’s driving business forward

More resources for today’s workplace

Communicating holistic benefits

Uber’s HR experts weigh in on how to make sure your teams know how to take advantage of all that your company offers.

Making the most of hybrid work

From forging connections to delivering support, Global Head of Uber for Business Susan Anderson shares the many ways to engage with your hybrid employees.

Delivering productivity with a meal program

When BetterHelp went remote-first, they turned to Uber for Business to help them create an at-home meal benefit for their employees.

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