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Your rating can help you understand what your customers think of you.

Your overall rating comes from your last 100 ratings from restaurant staff and delivery customers. They can rate you with a thumbs up or a thumbs down. You might also receive feedback from restaurants and customers that you might find helpful.

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1. 完成取餐后,应用会让您为餐厅评分。将餐点送达后,您还可以为顾客评分。

2. 餐厅员工和顾客也可以向您提供反馈。如果有人给您差评,应用会要求其提供更多反馈,解释选择此评分的原因。

3. 应用会将您获得的评分计算进平均值,其会在行程开始之前和期间向顾客显示。

4. 您可以在应用中查看平均满意度评分。轻触菜单中的头像照片,然后轻触姓名下方的评分以了解详情。




These tips and recommendations from top delivery partners can help you keep a great rating:

  • Read pickup instructions

    Top partners recommend always double checking for pickup instructions before you arrive at a restaurant to help you save time. Pickup instructions are intended to make the pickup as smooth as possible.

  • Read drop-off instructions

    Reading drop off instructions before you arrive at the Eater can help you save time, as eaters provide these instructions to make the drop-off as smooth as possible.

    If you don’t feel safe delivering to the consumer’s door, try to give them a call to let them know where they can meet you.

  • 带上手机

    Restaurant partners recommend bringing your phone into the restaurant to show which order you’re collecting. This allows the restaurant to quickly verify your order and provide you with it.

  • Be respectful of staff

    Restaurants partners and consumers tell us delivery partners need to be mindful of how their words and actions might affect someone.

    A restaurant can be a stressful environment and everyone has a role to play, so being respectful to restaurant staff can help you build a better relationship. Remember, you could be delivering for this restaurant again.

  • Friendly towards Eater

    Top partners recommend engaging with consumers to improve the delivery experience. Eaters tell us that a simple “hello” or “have a nice day” can have a big impact.

  • Handle food with care

    Eaters tell us that they give poor ratings when they receive an order which has been opened, damaged or has items missing.

    Remember to handle food carefully for example, pizzas should be flat and drinks should be secured.

    If the packaging provided isn’t working, let restaurants know via the app.

  • Start trip quickly

    Restaurants and eaters prefer it if you start the trip right after you’ve picked up the food from the restaurant.

    This will provide a better experience for Eaters because they can track the order in the app and see how close you are with the delivery.

  • Efficient route

    Top delivery partners always try to take the most efficient route to get to the consumer as taking an inefficient route can lead to cold food for the consumer.



  • 如果您刚开始送餐,在收到餐厅或顾客提供的至少 10 次评分后,就能查看评分。

  • 在刚开始送餐的前几次行程期间,您的平均评分会发生变化,这是正常现象。这是因为可用于统计平均评分的行程数量较少。随着您完成的已评分行程次数增多,总体评分会基于最近的 100 次已评分行程计算得出,因此会逐渐平稳。

  • 餐厅和顾客针对每次派送行程提供的良好反馈能够提高您的评分。

  • 不会,针对任何已取消或未接受的派送行程,您不会收到评分。

  • 谨慎地评分有助于改善社区体验,并帮助所有人充分利用 Uber Eats 优食平台。以下是派送员为餐厅和顾客评分时通常会考虑的 4 个因素:

    1. 快速及时:您到达时他们是否已做好准备?
    2. 礼貌待人:他们对您是否有礼貌?
    3. 安全:您是否感到安全?他们是否强迫您执行任何违反优步社区指南的操作?
    4. 沟通信息清晰:备注和说明是否清楚准确?


