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Protect your safety while riding with Uber

From helping make sure you get in the right car to knowing where you’re going and when to call for assistance, these tips, created in collaboration with law enforcement, can help make every ride a safe one.

Uber safety tips

To help keep you safe, we screen drivers and build our technology with safety in mind. But there are also actions that you can take to help keep yourself safe. These tips were created in collaboration with law enforcement to help you stay safe while riding with Uber.

1. Request your ride inside

Minimize the time that you’re standing outside by yourself with your phone in your hand. Instead, wait inside until the app shows that your driver has arrived.

2. Check Your Ride

Every time you take a trip with Uber, please make sure you’re getting into the right car with the right driver by matching the license plate, car make and model, and driver photo with what’s provided in your app. Uber trips can only be requested through the app, so never get in a car where the vehicle or driver identity doesn't match what’s displayed in your app.

3. Have the driver confirm your name

In addition to the Check Your Ride safety steps, you can also ask the driver to confirm your name before you get in the car. Your driver sees your first name in their app, and your driver’s first name is displayed to you in your app. To safely exchange names, you can ask, “Who are you here to pick up?” The driver may also ask you to confirm their name for their own peace of mind.

4. Be a back-seat rider

Whenever possible, sit in the back seat, especially if you’re riding alone. This helps ensure that you can safely exit on either side of the vehicle to avoid moving traffic, and it gives you and your driver some personal space.

5. Always wear your seat belt

Seat belt use is the most effective way to save lives and reduce injuries related to car crashes, according to the World Health Organization.

6. Share your trip details with loved ones

While you're on trip, tap Share trip status in the app to share your driver’s name, photo, license plate, and location with a friend or family member. They will receive a text or push notification that tracks your trip and ETA.

7. Protect your personal information

In specific areas, we’re investing in technology to anonymize your phone number when you call or message your driver through the app.*

8. Follow your intuition

Trust your instincts and use your best judgment when requesting a ride with Uber. If you ever feel that you’re in an urgent situation, you can call 911 by using the Emergency Button located in your app. Anytime you call emergency services from the Uber app, the app provides you with your real-time location and trip details that you can share with the dispatcher.

And remember, if you feel unsafe you can end the ride at any time.

9. Be kind and respectful

As outlined in Uber’s Community Guidelines, please respect fellow passengers and your driver and their car.

10. Give feedback about your trip

After each trip, you’re asked in the app to rate your trip. Your feedback helps keep Uber safe and enjoyable for everyone. If you ever experience a safety issue on a trip, please report it to Uber. Our 24/7 response team will follow up.

And remember, on every trip you can tap the shield icon in the app to access Uber’s Safety Toolkit and get help whenever you need it.

Building safer journeys for everyone

Learn more about safety at Uber

Rider safety

Millions of rides are requested every day. Every rider has access to safety features built into the app. And every ride has a support team if you need them.

Our commitment to safety

Uber is committed to your safety. Learn about our commitment and how safety is built into the rider and driver experiences, in the app and beyond.

*This feature is not available in every country. In the case of an outage of this feature, phone numbers might not be anonymized.

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