If you’re a rider, please visit the SAN dropoff page or SAN pickup page instead.
Home > Drive > Driving basics > How to take airport trips > Airport trips > SAN
Airport regulations for drivers
Per airport regulations, drivers must adhere to the terms below. Failure to do so may result in the receipt of a citation or even restriction of access to airport trips. Please note that Uber will not pay for any citations that drivers may incur.
To avoid penalties, please follow SAN rules and regulations. To view them, click here and navigate to the “SAN Rules and Regulations (PDF)” link here.
- When on airport property, the Driver app must be open at all times (drivers must not go offline until exiting the airport area).
- Drivers are prohibited from turning off or disabling the Driver App when a vehicle is on Airport property.
- We’ve instituted a special queue at San Diego International Airport. The queue only works within the designated area. Drivers waiting elsewhere will not receive trip requests through the Driver app unless there are no drivers in the waiting area.
- Dumping trash or litter on airport property or neighboring sites is strictly prohibited and may result in a monetary fine and / or permanent revocation of access to airport property.
- The Uber vehicle decal (trade dress) must always be displayed on the front passenger windshield and rear passenger windshield facing outward. Drivers can fill out this form to receive one by mail.
- Rideshare vehicles must be less than 10 years old to be eligible for airport pickups.
- Please be aware that feeding the birds is not allowed, as it can cause disruptions to airport flight procedures.
- Please follow the instructions of the airport traffic officers.
- It is illegal under state and federal law for anyone, including rideshare drivers, to engage in price fixing. This includes agreeing or coordinating with other drivers (in airport staging lots or elsewhere) on pricing and surge pricing. The law requires that drivers must make decisions about pricing and surge pricing on their own.
- Drivers shall not conduct unauthorized activity, solicit business or engage in any manner of solicitation of business.
- Drivers shall not obstruct or interfere with the rights of others using any part of the Airport or negatively impact or impede traffic flow in or out of Airport roadways and parking facilities.
- Drivers shall not leave a vehicle un-attended, except to use the restroom for brief a period.
- Drivers shall conduct themselves in a professional manner and be courteous to the public, passengers, other ground transportation providers.
Pro tips
- Driver cancellations: Trip cancellations can take away from the great Uber experience that riders and drivers expect. Please remember that drivers who improperly use the app and intentionally disrupt the service, including excessively canceling rides or asking riders to cancel rides, may lose the ability to receive trip requests to and from the airport through the Driver app.
- Ground transportation and airport security staff: Airport rules are as important as traffic rules. Airports expect drivers to follow the instructions of the airport staff.
- Commercial vehicle parking restrictions: Some commercial vehicle parking restrictions may be posted around the airport. Please note that if you are displaying the Uber trade dress or are signed in to the Driver app, these parking restrictions will apply. Uber does not reimburse citations for disobeying parking restrictions.
- Accessing your waybill: You may be asked to show your waybill. To access it, tap Waybill in your app.
Pickups at the airport
How pickup requests work
It’s easy to receive trip requests from riders leaving the airport. However, these trips work a little differently than other requests.
Waiting for requests
Uber’s technology uses a special queuing process. This means that, in order to receive a trip request, you need to enter the designated waiting area. You will then be placed in a virtual queue where the driver can receive a trip request.
Based on the operating agreement with the airport, the waiting area is located behind the Airport Cell Phone Lot near North Harbor Drive (see map below).
Some things to know about the queuing process:
- Proximity to the terminal within the zone does not create an advantage for drivers or move you closer to the top of the queue
- If there are no drivers in the waiting area, trip requests will go to drivers in the local area—outside of the waiting area—based on proximity and other factors
- You can lose your place in line if: -You go offline on your Driver app - You drive outside the waiting area -You do not accept multiple incoming trip requests in a row - You cancel a ride (if the rider cancels, you will remain at the top of the queue)
Terminal 1 pickup and dropoff zones
The pickup area for Terminal 1 is located at the transportation island closest to the terminal. Dropoffs take place curbside in the terminal area.
Terminal 2 pickup and dropoff zones
To pick up at Terminal 2, go to the transportation island farthest from the terminal (Lane 2) on the Arrivals level, on the right side of the curb. Dropoffs take place curbside in the terminal area.
It’s a good idea to confirm your rider’s name before starting the trip—it never hurts to double-check.
Only drivers responding to Uber Black and Uber Black SUV with a TCP permit and an SAN Airport permit should pick up curbside.
Prematch at SAN
Prematch is live at this airport. Prematch is an in-app feature that prompts drivers in the waiting lot to begin heading toward the airport terminals a few minutes before the app anticipates a pickup request. This should reduce idle wait time ahead of picking up your rider.
If you get a Prematch prompt in the app but don’t receive a pickup request within 3 minutes of arriving at the terminals, you must exit the airport. If you return to the waiting lot, you will not lose your place in the queue.
Dropoffs at the airport
How dropoff requests work
Based on the operating agreement with the airport, riders can be dropped off at their requested terminal on the Departures level. If you’d like to receive a trip request afterward, you’ll need to keep the Driver app on to maintain your place in the queue process.
TNC Staging Lot at SAN
You can receive airport pickup requests at the SAN Airport Rideshare Staging Lot (located north of Liberator Way off Harbor Drive).
Pro tips
- Be on the lookout for signs that will help guide you to the lot
- Park in the designated rideshare spots—you could be fined if you are not
- If no spaces are available, please immediately exit the lot
- Stay with your vehicle at all times—you could be fined if you leave your vehicle
- The cell phone lot and other parking lots surrounding the Rideshare Staging Lot are not part of the Rideshare Staging Lot—you could be fined if you wait for a trip request in these areas
- Please note the queue/waiting lot is still in place
- Please be respectful of the lot and dispose of all trash properly
- If you receive a Prematch prompt in the app, you can begin to make your way to the terminals without a pickup request - If you do not receive a pickup request within 3 minutes of arriving at the pickup area, you must exit the airport, but you will regain your spot in the queue if you return to the Staging Lot - Prematch is currently live at SAN Airport
SAN pickup maps
Terminal 1 pickup and dropoff zone
The pickup and dropoff area for Terminal 1 is located at the transportation island closest to the terminal.
Terminal 2 pickup and dropoff zone
To pick up and drop off at Terminal 2, go to the transportation island farthest from the terminal (Lane 2) on the Arrivals level.
It’s a good idea to confirm your rider’s name before starting the trip—it never hurts to double-check.
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