Rider support in the UK
Uber is committed to supporting you before, during and after your trip. Get the help you need at the touch of a button in more than 40 towns and cities across the UK.
Get the help you need
Your query will be handled as quickly as possible by a trained support agent who will escalate to a more specialised team if needed.
Write in through the ‘Help’ section of your app or contact us on help.uber.com/riders. Fast and efficient.
Phone support
Need to speak to us? You can call our dedicated support team, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Social media
You can also get help via social media. Tweet us @ubersupportuk or send us a message via Facebook or Facebook Messenger.
Call us on 0808 189 7190 or 0808 501 5525
You can call us 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Please note that this phone line only offers support for users or trips taken in the UK.
You can also call the support line via your Uber app:
- Tap the ‘Help’ button in the menu
- Tap 'Call Support' and you’ll be connected to a trained member of the team
In an emergency you should still call 999, or 101 for non-emergency situations that require help from the police.
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