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1. 验证您的乘客


2. 专心驾驶


3. 保护您的个人信息


5. 提醒乘客系好安全带






8. 听从您的直觉


9. 态度亲切,以礼待人


10. 向我们提供反馈

完成每次行程后,您可以给乘客提供1-5 星评分,并通过车主端中的“帮助”部分添加评论。我们的全天候响应团队会对事件展开调查。


Keeping you safe in Australia

Safe driving is at the heart of the Uber experience. That's why we continue to develop technology that helps make millions of rides safer everyday. We work closely with law enforcement, and all trips taken on the Uber app are tracked via GPS.

Following Community Guidelines

As per our Community Guidelines, driver-partners are expected to follow your state's road rules at all times. This includes:

  • Keeping to the speed limit and adjusting speed according to road conditions
  • Always wearing a safety belt and ensuring riders do the same
  • Observing all road rules and traffic signage
  • Always using a phone mount
  • Not texting while driving
  • Never driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, and
  • Not driving if you're tired or fatigued

Emergencies and accidents

Unfortunately, sometimes unforeseen incidents do occur on the road. If you are involved in an accident while using the Uber app, you should contact emergency services immediately by calling 000.

Once any emergency has passed, it's important that you let us know what happened. Driver-partners and riders can contact us on in-app help or online at For more information on what to do in the event of an emergency or crash, please visit this website.

Uber is required to report to government authorities some crashes or incidents, including those that result in ambulance treatment or hospitalisation; collisions that result in damage to the vehicle or persons which causes a trip to be ended; or a mechanical failure which causes a trip to be ended.

Driving while tired or fatigued

Driving for long periods without a break increases risk of dangerous driving incidents related to fatigue. Research has shown that fatigue can have a similar effect on your driving performance as being intoxicated.

To help safeguard you and your riders’ safety, Uber’s Community Guidelines say that if you’re driving and feel tired, you should take a break.

To help you comply with these safety obligations, the Uber app lets you know how many hours you spend driving. You’ll be notified when you have been online and driving for 12 hours. After that, you’ll need to take a break and you will be unable to receive new trip requests for at least 6 hours. If a trip is already in progress, you can complete it before the 8 hour break.

While the Uber app has features to help you comply with your legal requirements, you have a personal responsibility to ensure that you do not drive while fatigued.

Respectful behaviour

Your behaviour can impact on the safety and comfort of others. In line with our Community Guidelines, everyone on-trip is expected to treat each other with respect and courtesy.

There are also specific offences regarding:

  • Smoking while driving
  • Offensive behaviour by drivers
  • Refusing trips with assistance animals
  • Touting and soliciting for passengers

Uber takes seriously reports of physical contact, inappropriate and abusive language or gestures, discrimination, unwanted contact after a trip and breaking the law while using the Uber app. If made aware of these kinds of unacceptable behaviour, we may contact you to find out more information and take further action in relation to your access to the Uber app.

Serious incidents

Behaviours such as violence, sexual misconduct, harassment or illegal activity while using the Uber app can result in the immediate loss of access to the Uber app. If you are exposed to this kind of incident while using the Uber app, you should contact emergency services immediately by calling 000.

Once the incident has passed, it’s important that you let us know what happened. Driver-partners and riders can contact us on in-app help or online at Reporting specific incidents to us helps increase safety for you, your passengers and for other Uber driver-partners.

We also work with law enforcement on particular incidents. Requests for information received from law enforcement will be responded to according to Uber policies, terms and applicable laws.

Safe pickups and dropoffs

Picking riders up


  • 寻找安全且合适的停车地点。请务必正确使用指示灯。
  • 请将车辆完全停稳,再让乘客上车。
  • 如需等候乘客,在乘客到达前,请保持车门上锁。
  • 建议乘客在靠路边的一侧上车,避开车流。
  • 请务必再三确认,确保所有乘客均已上车,关闭所有车门并安全系好安全带,然后再开车出发。
  • 成功接载乘客之后,请关闭警示灯,表明您即将启动并安全汇入车流


Dropping riders off


  • 寻找安全且合适的停车地点。请务必正确使用指示灯。
  • 留意周围环境,交通状况可能瞬息万变。其他车辆、自行车和行人都有可能构成危险。
  • 在抵达下车地点后,以及整个停车期间,请务必使用警示灯。
  • 在让乘客下车之前,请确保车辆已完全停稳
  • 建议乘客靠路边的一侧下车,避开车流。
  • 请务必再三确认,确保所有乘客均已安全下车,然后再开车离开。
  • 乘客下车之后,请关闭警示灯,表明您即将启动并安全汇入车流。

如果乘客拒绝您根据以上安全小贴士提出的建议,请使用应用内帮助功能或通过 网站向我们反馈。

Your driver profile

The Uber app is designed to give riders identifying information about driver-partners and their vehicles, like their first name, profile picture, vehicle model and licence plate number, before the trip begins. The app also provides the driver-partner with the first name of the rider.

Account sharing is not permitted under Uber’s Community Guidelines. We may deactivate the account of a driver for providing Uber with inaccurate information, taking a trip using an unapproved vehicle, or allowing someone else to use their account.

Taxi ranks

It’s illegal for ridesharing vehicles to pick up or drop off passengers at taxi ranks. All Uber trips must be pre-booked through the Uber App. Under most state laws, ridesharing driver-partners cannot pick-up or drop-off riders at a taxi rank, stand (wait) at a taxi rank or be hailed off the street. Use of taxi ranks or street hailing can result in fines or other penalties. If your rider is trying to be picked up in a taxi rank, consider contacting them through the Uber app to agree on an appropriate, alternative pickup point.





