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Brisbane vehicle requirements

Drive with Uber in Brisbane

Does your vehicle qualify to drive with Uber? Most 4-door cars do, but requirements vary depending on the vehicle option you choose. If you don’t own a car, we may be able to connect you with a vehicle solutions provider.


All cars driving with Uber in Brisbane must be:

  • ANCAP 5-Star rated, or fall under our vehicle exemption policy
  • In excellent working condition
  • No older than the maximum age for the Uber vehicle option chosen
  • A 4-door car or passenger van
  • No more than 12-seats, including the driver’s seat
  • Able to pass a vehicle inspection
  • Registered and CTP-insured in Queensland
  • Free from cosmetic damage (e.g. scuff marks, scratches and indentations such as hail damage)
  • Free from commercial branding (e.g. graphics or wraps greater than 20cm by 20cm)

Other minimum rules apply to specific vehicle options.

* Uber reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to amend this list of vehicle requirements and/or accepted vehicles at any time.


All vehicles driving with Uber must be covered by compulsory third party (CTP) insurance, and have at least third-party property damage insurance. To drive with UberX, you also need to be listed on the car’s property damage insurance policy, even if you are not the vehicle owner or main policyholder.

Learn about vehicle insurance

Brisbane vehicle options

These are the vehicle options and requirements in Brisbane.

Sign up to drive

  • 大多数较新的车辆都符合提供优选轿车服务的条件。优选轿车以实惠的价格提供日常接载服务,是最受乘客欢迎的行程选项。


    • 获得 ANCAP 5 星评级,或符合我们的车辆豁免政策
    • 车况良好,无明显外观损坏
    • 已在澳大利亚首都领地注册并享有 CTP 保险保障(包括享有针对共享行程的保险保障)
    • 车龄不超过 15 年(按制造年份计算)
    • 有 4 个车门
    • 除了司机外,可乘坐 4-7 人
    • 车窗和空调可正常工作
    • 能够通过车辆检测
    • 不是出租车、前驾校车辆、政府车辆、事故车或改装车辆
    • 获得 Access Canberra 共享出行资格认证



  • SUV 和商务车可容纳更多乘客,让您赚取更高车费。这相当于空间更大的优选轿车。

    车辆须满足以下要求,才能提供 UberXL 行程服务:

    • 获得 ANCAP 5 星评级
    • 车况良好,无明显外观损坏
    • 已在昆士兰州注册并享有 CTP 保险保障
    • 车龄不超过 15 年(按制造年份计算)
    • 4 门 SUV 或大型客车
    • 除了司机外,可乘坐 6-7 人
    • 车窗和空调可正常工作
    • 可以通过车辆检测
    • 不是出租车/此前曾为出租车的车辆、政府车辆、前驾校车辆、事故车或改装车辆

    有些租赁车辆可能符合 UberXL 的车辆要求。


  • 此行程类型专为残障人士、老年人或需要额外帮助的乘客提供接送服务。Assist 车辆可以放置折叠轮椅、助行车和折叠滑板车。您还需要完成澳大利亚残障人士网络提供的免费培训课程。

    车辆须满足以下要求,才能提供 Assist 行程服务:

    • 获得 ANCAP 5 星评级
    • 车况良好,无明显外观损坏
    • 乘客可轻松上下车
    • 已在昆士兰州注册并享有 CTP 保险保障
    • 车龄不超过 15 年(按制造年份计算)
    • 有 4 个车门
    • 除了司机外,可乘坐 4-7 人
    • 车窗和空调可正常工作
    • 能够通过车辆检测
    • 不是出租车/此前曾为出租车的车辆、前驾校车辆、政府车辆、事故车或改装车辆
    • 可以放置折叠轮椅、助行车、折叠滑板车和其他辅助设备

    合作车主必须符合以下条件,才能提供 Assist 行程服务

    • 评分不低于 4.7 分;以及
    • 已完成超过 100 次行程

    有些租赁车辆可能符合提供 Assist 行程服务的资格。


  • Uber Eats is a food delivery app that allows people to order food from their favourite local restaurants at the tap of a button. You can deliver with Uber Eats using your car, scooter or even your bicycle.

    There are 3 ways to deliver with Uber Eats:

    Bike requirements

    • You’re at least 18 years old
    • You can ride a bike around Brisbane
    • You can pass a bicycle safety test
    • You can pass a background check

    Scooter/motorcycle requirements

    • You’re at least 18 years old
    • You hold a full Australian licence
    • Your scooter or motorcycle is a 1990 model or newer
    • Your scooter or motorcycle is registered and CTP-insured in Queensland
    • You have vehicle insurance (third-party property or comprehensive)
    • You can pass a background check

    Car requirements

    • You’re at least 18 years old
    • You hold a full Australian licence
    • Your car is a 1990 model or newer
    • Your car is registered and CTP-insured in Queensland
    • You have vehicle insurance (third-party property or comprehensive)
    • You can pass a background check

    You'll also need to confirm that you have the right to work in Australia and that you have access to Medicare or relevant health insurance.

  • 要提供舒享轿车行程服务,合作车主必须满足以下要求:

    • 已完成至少 500 次行程
    • 保持不低于 4.85 的评分
    • 驾驶中型车辆(有宽敞的腿部空间)*
    • 最近 7 年内生产的车辆(按制造年份计算)

    _*在大多数情况下,根据制造商的设计,第二排的腿部空间为 91 厘米或更宽。查看目前批准的车型清单

  • 由高端车辆提供的奢华轿车接载服务。

    车辆须满足以下要求,才能提供 Uber Premier 行程服务:

    • 获得 ANCAP 5 星评级
    • 车况良好,无明显外观损坏
    • 已在昆士兰州注册并享有 CTP 保险保障
    • 车龄不超过 7 年(按制造年份计算)
    • 4 门高端车辆
    • 除了司机外,可供 4 名乘客舒适乘坐
    • 车窗和空调可正常工作
    • 如果是车队成员,则必须已购买商用车保险

    合作车主必须符合以下条件,才能提供 Uber Premier 行程服务

    • 评分不低于 4.6 分;以及
    • 已完成超过 20 次行程


  • 电动舒享轿车:

    • 只有特定品牌和型号的电动车才符合提供电动舒享轿车服务的要求
    • 最近 7 年内生产的车辆
    • 满足所有其他优选轿车车辆要求


    • 评分不低于 4.85 分;以及
    • 已完成超过 100 次行程


  • 满足以下要求的小型厢式旅行车或客车可提供 Uber Max 行程服务:

    • 除了司机外,可供至少 7 名乘客舒适乘坐
    • 后排为侧滑门
    • 行李空间充裕,无需放倒座椅
    • 有至少 3 排座椅


    • 混合动力车辆和纯电动车辆均有资格完成 Uber Green 行程
    • 满足所有其他优选轿车车辆要求
  • Uber Eats 优食

    Uber Eats is a food delivery app that allows people to order food from their favourite restaurants at the tap of a button. If you are 18 years of age or older, you may be eligible to become a delivery partner with Uber Eats.

  • 车辆解决方案

    Need a car? We can connect you to vehicle solutions providers who have special offers for driver-partners.

    Learn about vehicle solutions

