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In October, for the first time ever, we asked every single person that earns on our platform in the U.S. to take a survey and tell us what’s working, what’s not working, and how we can improve your Uber experience going forward.


Here’s some of what you said

  • 80% of you are either somewhat satisfied or very satisfied with your experience driving or delivering with Uber.
  • 70% of you think Uber has either done enough or gone above and beyond for you during the pandemic.
  • 27% of you said your experience with dependable earnings is poor
  • 19% of you said your experience with responsiveness to feedback is poor

Want to hear more?

With your voice as our guide, we're moving forward together

We know this survey is only a first step, and we’re committed to showing you that your voice and input matter.

We’ll use feedback from this survey to help improve your Uber experience. As a next step, we’ll host a virtual town hall to discuss the results and improvements.

We hope you’ll join us there. Be sure to keep an eye on your email and our website for an invite.

Thank you for choosing to be a part of the Uber community.


The Uber team