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All are welcome

We believe everyone has the right to move freely and safely

We believe everyone has the right to move freely and safely and to feel respected on our platform.

Our community is remarkably diverse. Chances are, you’ll meet people who look different from you, think differently than you, or come from different backgrounds. That’s why Uber has developed our Community Guidelines, to help make every experience safe, respectful, and positive.

While most interactions on the Uber platform are uneventful, unfortunately discrimination and racism still happen. And as rare as these incidents may be, they hurt our community.

That’s why together with Paradigm, who are experts in diversity, equity, and inclusion, we’ve developed a guide inspired by Uber incident reports to help stop racism in its tracks. Join us in cultivating more positive, inclusive experiences every day.

Recognizing racism even in its most subtle forms

While it can be easier to identify openly racist acts, subtler forms of racism can be just as harmful.

Even small, damaging interactions during a delivery or a ride can make someone feel devalued or like they stand out negatively because of their identity. This can cause real psychological and physical harm, like: stress, higher rates of depression, difficulties learning and problem solving, to name a few. Experts refer to it as “death by a thousand cuts.” Learn more about the impact of racism in these resources:

Read on to hear about microaggressions and see practical examples of what you can do instead.

  • Here’s why it’s offensive

    People of color are more likely to get asked this follow-up question when they tell others where they’re from. The question implies that people who look a certain way must be foreigners. This is an example of othering: behavior that reminds someone that they’re different and don’t belong.

  • What to do instead

    When a rider, driver, or courier tells you where they’re from, the best thing you can do is believe them. If you want to know more, you can show interest by asking, for instance, “Oh, you’re from Ohio? What part?”

  • Learn more

    To learn more about the dangers of othering, watch this TEDx Talk by business strategist and youth advocate W. Kay Wilson.

  • Here’s why it’s offensive

    This comment suggests that, because of a person’s appearance, they must be a foreigner who doesn’t speak English well. This is particularly harmful to Asian Americans, who are often perceived as outsiders, regardless of where they were born or how long they’ve lived in the United States. This is known as the “perpetual foreigner” stereotype.

  • What to do instead

    Even when our intentions may be positive, we must prioritize the impact of our comments on the person we’re interacting with. Take this opportunity to challenge your own assumptions. Why should someone’s appearance indicate whether they speak English well?

  • Learn more

    To learn more about the perpetual foreigner stereotype, read this article, which offers a good overview of the concept.

  • Here’s why it’s offensive

    Generalizations like this reinforce the idea that ethnic minorities are all the same. This also perpetuates the model minority myth, which assumes Asian Americans are more high-achieving than other minority groups.

  • What to do instead

    Steer clear of broad generalizations, avoiding comments like “you guys” and “you people.”

  • Learn more

    To learn more about why Asian Americans are called the model minority, go here.

  • Here’s why it’s offensive

    The word “ghetto” is a disrespectful term often applied to lower-income Black communities and their behavior, dress, or speech. It has deep historical context, as ghettos were originally the neighborhoods in which Jewish people were confined.

  • What to do instead

    Avoid demeaning language, especially words that have been used to stigmatize certain communities. Learn about the history of housing segregation and the economic pressures that have led to the disenfranchisement of communities of color.

  • Learn more

    To learn more and understand how residential segregation has changed the meaning of the word “ghetto,” read this article.

  • Here’s why it’s offensive

    This statement implies that someone is an immigrant because of how they look. It also devalues and dehumanizes immigrants and suggests that some are more deserving than others, while also reinforcing the model minority myth.

  • What to do instead

    First, do not assume that your rider, driver, or courier is an immigrant because of how they look. And examine and challenge the assumption that there are good and bad immigrants.

  • Learn more

    To learn more, listen to this interview with immigration law expert Alina Das as she dismantles the myth of the “bad” immigrant.


Addressing racist interactions as a bystander

If we witness racist behavior and don’t speak up, we risk allowing racism to persist.

Research shows that while most of us believe we should speak up in these instances, in reality we rarely do, often for fear of saying the wrong thing.

Experts recommend supporting and validating victims by practicing ways to intervene. These acts enhance the psychological well-being of victims of racism, while giving allies and bystanders a set of responses they can use to counteract racist aggression.

Best practices for speaking up:

Use “I” statements

Using “I” statements. Speak for yourself, rather than speaking for others. Example: “I am uncomfortable with what you said.”

Focus on impact

Focus on the impact of what happened, not the intention of those involved. Example: “You might have meant well, but that comment is harmful.”

Avoid broad statements

Avoid making broad statements about the person’s character, and ask clarifying questions targeting the behavior. Example: “What do you mean by ‘Where are you really from?’ Are you aware of how that question is problematic?”

You can learn more about ways to practice interrupting racist interactions here.

Practicing inclusion every day

Micro-inclusions—like making eye contact or pronouncing someone’s name correctly—are small acts of humanity. They signal inclusion and respect.

For every interaction while using Uber, think about this goal: to create a positive experience for others. But sometimes it can be hard to know exactly how.

While it might sound simple, it’s helpful to know some tips about how to be as inclusive as possible with a stranger during a brief exchange. With that in mind, here are a few ways to ensure positive interactions through micro-inclusions:

  • Saying hello and goodbye
  • Greeting people using their name, and checking to make sure you pronounce it correctly
  • Listening with intention when people share information, and asking follow-up questions based on what they shared (rather than your assumptions)
  • Saying thank you or expressing gratitude when you’ve enjoyed a positive experience


How to respond if you experience racism on Uber’s Platform

As a person who experiences racism, you are never obligated to address those interactions in the moment. However, we do encourage you to report them and help us keep our community safe.

If you do decide to speak up and hold others accountable for their behavior, this guide presents strategies for responding in these instances.

In addition, this resource from the American Psychological Association provides tips on self-care and where to find racial-trauma-informed therapists.

Racism should be reported

If you encountered racism during your experience with Uber, please report it to us. Your honest feedback helps ensure that everyone who uses our platform is accountable for their behavior. Thank you for choosing to help make Uber a safe and welcoming community.

What happens next

Uber Support is available 24/7 through various channels. Any safety incident you submit will go through a human review by agents on our specialized support team. They investigate issues and take appropriate action with the user’s account based on the information available.

The types of reports we receive encompass a wide spectrum, and we have a broad range of responses as a result. Based on the level of severity, a single serious safety incident can result in a user’s loss of access to the Uber platform. Incidents that may be lower in severity may not warrant being immediately removed or permanently banned from the apps.

Any behavior involving discrimination, violence, harassment, or illegal or unsafe activity while using the Uber platform can result in the immediate loss of access to Uber. Additionally, when law enforcement is involved, we will cooperate with their investigation in accordance with our Guidelines for Law Enforcement.

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