Hi nieuwe Uber-partner!
Wat leuk dat je interesse hebt in het rijden via het Uber platform! We helpen je graag op weg.
Check of je voldoet aan onderstaande eisen om van start te gaan.
De basics
Voldoe je aan deze minimumvereisten voor het Uber platform? Dan kun je zeer waarschijnlijk aan de slag met Uber, zo gauw je de juiste papieren hebt!
- 21 jaar of ouder
- Een geldig rijbewijs
- Bewijs van verblijf in je stad of provincie in Nederland
How do you want to start with Uber?
- 1. Sign up with Uber
- Download the Driver Uber App 📲
- Sign up via the Driver Uber App
- Select ‘Ik rij onder de KIWA vergunning van een fleet partner’ and start uploading your docs!
- 2. Request a chauffeurskaart
Down Small - Sign up with a driving school 🚗
- Have a medical examination performed 🩺
- Request your Chauffeurskaart VOG 📇
- 3. Find a fleet partner
Down Small You may already know a fleet partner that you would like to join. Not yet? Then click on the link below and you will find an overview of the fleet partners that have indicated to Uber that they are still looking for new drivers 🚘
Please note: Only once you uploaded all your documents and completed the virtual onboarding session, you can link your account to a fleet partner (see step 5).
- 4. Exams
Down Small - Pass your theoretical and practical exam 🎓
- Request a chauffeurskaart
- 5. Upload the rest of your documents
Down Small Have you received your final documents? Then it is time to upload them via your Uber profile via the Uber Driver App or on your computer. In your Uber Driver App you can find an overview of your documents with instructions on how to upload them. In case you didn’t already do so, upload the following documents to complete your profile:
- Profile picture 🤳🏼
- Driver’s license 🪪
- Chauffeurskaart 📇
Complete the virtual info session via the Uber Driver App so you know exactly how the Uber Driver App works
- 6. Connect with a fleet partner
Down Small - Provide your email address and telephone number to your new fleet partner
- Your fleet partner adds your data to their Uber Supplier Portal dashboard
- Confirm your connection via the SMS you received 💬
- 7. Complete your first trip
Down Small If everything has been received and checked, your account will be automatically activated. Doesn't it work? Contact support and they will help you get started!
YES! Welcome to the Uber Driver App - we can't wait to see you on the road! 🚦🏁
- 8. Overview timing & costs
Down Small WEEK 1 & 2
- Sign up via Uber
- Register for a driving school ca. €800-1000 | 8 weeks
- Chauffeurskaart VOG and medical check ca. €80 | 4- 8 weeks
- Find a fleet partner
WEEK 4-8
- Complete your driving lessons and exams and complete your chauffeurskaart application
- Upload your documents
- Complete the online course via the Uber Driver App
- Connect with a fleet partner
- Complete your first trip 🚗
- 1. Sign up with Uber
Down Small - Sign up via the Supplier Portal 📲
- 2. Request your documents
Down Small Apply for a KIWA taxi permit
- Request a KIWA VOG (Organisation: KIWA, Specific screening profile: 70 'Taxi industry; business permit)
- Sign up via the KVK (Register with SBI code 4932)
- Apply for a KIWA permit (Submit an application via the KIWA website)
Open a business bank account
To earn via the Uber App you need a business account that is linked to your KvK application. So request this on time!
- Apply for a KIWA ‘ondernemerskaart' via this form
- Request a chauffeurskaart - Only in case you want to drive yourself
- 3. Arrange a vehicle
Down Small Find a vehicle: Here is an overview of vehicle requirements or have a look at our vehicle marketplace for the latest deals 🚘
- Buy a vehicle
- Lease a vehicle
- Rent a vehicle
Insure your vehicle: Make sure your vehicle is properly insured and have proof of this insurance. Do you lease a vehicle? Check whether it is part of your contract.
Provide a board computer (BCT): In the Netherlands, every taxi is required to have an on-board computer to register your rest and driving times. You can, for example, have this installed via Cabman.
Register your vehicle (including blue license plates): Make an appointment at an authorized garage via RDW to prepare your vehicle for a taxi. Make sure you have the correct documents with you.
- 4. Upload your documents
Down Small Have you received your final documents? Then it is time to upload them via your Uber profile via the App or on your computer. In your app you can find an overview of your documents with instructions on how to upload them. 📑
- Profile picture
- Identification document
- KIWA taxi permit
- Vehicle registration certificate (front- and back)
- Proof of insurance
- Business Bank card
- Driver’s license - if you’re going to drive yourself
- Chauffeurskaart - if you’re going to drive yourself
Everything complete?
- Fill in your tax information via the Uber App
- Complete the course via the Uber App so you know exactly how the app works
- 5. Account online
Down Small If everything has been received and checked, your account will be automatically activated.
Please note: If you’re not going to drive yourself you have to make an appointment in the Greenlight Hub to activate your account.
YES! Welcome to the Uber App - we can't wait to see your fleet on the road! 🚦🏁
- 6. Manage your fleet
Down Small As soon as you are online as a Fleet partner on the Uber platform, you can immediately manage your fleet online via the Supplier portal. 🧑🏽💻
Where can you use the supplier portal for?
- Insight into documents of your fleet, drivers and vehicles
- Insight into the finances and performance of your fleet
- Easily add drivers to your fleet
- Help drivers with onboarding
- 7. Overview timing & costs
Down Small WEEK 1 & 2
- Sign up via Uber
- Request VOG ca. €80 | 4- 8 weeks
- Sign up via KvK ca. €75 | 1 day
Received both VOG and KVK?
- Apply for KIWA-taxi permit ca. €300 | 12 weeks
- Apply for a ‘Ondernemerskaart’ ca. €160| 3 weeks
- Arrange vehicle & insurance ca. €350 - €400 monthly ** | few weeks
- Board computer ca. €1500 | 1-5 weeks
- Registration & license plates ca. €100 | 1 week
WEEK 4-12
- Upload your documents
- Complete the online course
- Go online with your fleet 🚗
- 1. Sign up with Uber
Down Small - Download the Driver Uber App
- Sign up via the Driver Uber App 📲
- 2. Request a chauffeurskaart
Down Small - Sign up with a driving school 🚘
- Have a medical examination performed 🩺
- Request your Chauffeurskaart VOG 📇
- 3. Apply for a KIWA taxi permit
Down Small - Request a KIWA VOG (Organisation: KIWA, Specific screening profile: 70 'Taxi industry; business permit)
- Sign up via the KVK (Register with SBI code 4932)
- Apply for a KIWA permit (Submit an application via the KIWA website)
- Apply for a KIWA 'Ondernemerskaart' via this form
- 4. Arrange a vehicle
Down Small Find a vehicle: Here is an overview of vehicle requirements or have a look at our vehicle marketplace for the latest deals 🚘
- Buy a vehicle
- Lease a vehicle
- Rent a vehicle
Insure your vehicle: Make sure your vehicle is properly insured and have proof of this insurance. Do you lease a vehicle? Check whether it is part of your contract.
Provide a board computer (BCT): In the Netherlands, every taxi is required to have an on-board computer to register your rest and driving times. You can, for example, have this installed via Cabman.
Register your vehicle (including blue license plates): Make an appointment at an authorized garage via RDW to prepare your vehicle for a taxi. Make sure you have the correct documents with you.
Please note: When leasing a vehicle, make sure that the owner of the vehicle has completed this form
- 5. Exams
Down Small - Pass your theoretical and practical exam 🎓
- Request a chauffeurskaart
- 6. Upload your documents
Down Small Have you received your final documents? Then it is time to upload them via your Uber profile via the App or on your computer. In your app you can find an overview of your documents with instructions on how to upload them.
- Profile picture
- Driver’s license
- Chauffeurskaart
- KIWA taxi permit
- Vehicle registration certificate (front- and back)
- Proof of insurance
- Bank card
Everything complete?
- Fill in your tax information via the Uber App
- Complete the course via the Uber App so you know exactly how the app works
- 7. Complete your first trip
Down Small If everything has been received and checked, your account will be automatically activated. Does not it work? Contact support and they will help you get started!
YES! Welcome to the Uber Driver App - we can't wait to see you on the road! 🚦🏁
- 8. Overview timing & costs
Down Small WEEK 1 & 2
- Sign up via Uber
- Sign up for a driving school ca. €800-1000 | 8 weeks
- Chauffeurskaart VOG, KIWA VOG and medical check ca. €80 | 4- 8 weeks
- Sign up via KvK ca. €75 | 1 dag
Received both KIWA VOG and KVK?
- Apply for KIWA-taxi permit ca. €300 | 12 weeks
- Apply for a ‘Ondernemerskaart’ ca. €160| 3 weeks
- Arrange a vehicle & insurance ca. €350 - €400 monthly | few weeks
- Board computer ca. €1500 | 1-5 weeks
- Registration & license plates ca. €100 | 1 week
WEEK 4-9
- Complete your driving lessons, exams and application for a chauffeurskaart
WEEK 10-11
- Upload your documents
- Complete online course
- Complete your first trip 🚗
Details van de vereisten voor chauffeurs
Minimale vereisten
De meeste mensen kunnen rijden met Uber, zelfs als je geen auto of commercieel rijbewijs hebt. Vereisten verschillen per stad, maar er zijn een paar minimale vereisten:
- Voldoen aan de minimumleeftijd
- Wettelijk toegestaan zijn om in je land te rijden
- Bekijk een korte trainingsvideo
Vereiste documenten
Voor je volgende stap, deel de onderstaande documentatie. Als je je eigen auto wilt gebruiken, moet je ook de registratie en verzekering overleggen.
- Geldige documentatie om in je land te rijden
- Bewijs van verblijf in je stad, staat of provincie
- Een profielfoto van de bestuurder
- Moet een recht naar voren gerichte, gecentreerde foto zijn waarop het volledige gezicht en de bovenkant van de schouders van de bestuurder zichtbaar zijn, zonder zonnebril
- Moet een foto zijn alleen van de bestuurder, zonder andere personen in beeld, goed verlicht en scherp. Het mag geen foto van een rijbewijs of andere afgedrukte foto zijn
Na aanmelding, neem een paar minuten de tijd om een screening online te voltooien. Het zal je rijrecord en strafblad controleren
Driver Options
Driver under a fleet partner
Fleet Partners are business owners who, once registered as an Uber partner, can make their fleet available to multiple other drivers. They own the KIWA license and a vehicle that you can use and you make agreements with your fleet partner on how you will collaborate.
If you want to drive under the permit of a fleet partner, you need 2 things:
- Chauffeurskaart
- Fleet partner with KIWA permit and a vehicle
We will help you get started in this guide. Use the checklist below check whether you have completed all steps!
Start as a fleet partner
Fleet Partners are business owners who, once registered as an Uber partner, can make their fleet available to multiple other drivers.
If you want to start as a fleet partner with Uber you need 3 things:
- KIWA taxivergunning
- Arrange vehicle(s) for your fleet
- Business account for your taxi company (as registered with KvK)
- Chauffeurskaart - in case you want to drive yourself
We will help you get started in this guide. Use the checklist below to check whether you have completed all steps!
Start as independent driver
If you want to start as an independent driver you need 3 things:
- Chauffeurskaart
- KIWA taxi permit
- Arrange your own vehicle
We will help you get started in this guide. Use the checklist below to check whether you have completed all steps!
Register for VAT
It usually takes 5 to 7 days to complete the VAT registration process.
To get specific advice about your personal circumstances, you should consult a tax advisor. For example, you can get help from A4U Taxi by visiting the Greenlight Hub in our Amsterdam office.
What else do you need?
Start making money with Uber in the Netherlands
The information provided on this web page is intended for informational purposes only and may not be applicable in your country, region, or city. It is subject to change and may be updated without notice.
Opportunities by city