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Using Payments or Reports tabs

Once in the Supplier Portal, click on the Payments tab at the top of the page. This is where you'll find earnings and payments information related to your account.

If you want to download this information, you can click on the Reports tab or on the cloud icon.


在页面的左上角,您能够看到从本周初到您查看数据当时的累计结余(注意:数据延迟最长可达 3 小时)。



Breaking down your balance

Right below your current balance, you can consult what line items compose this amount.

Tip: To have access to more clear information, we recommend consulting date ranges beginning on Monday.

The main concepts you’ll find:

Start balance: Your fleet earnings from the previous week and, therefore, the amount you begin your week with (already transferred to your bank account from the previous week).

Paid to you: This represents the sum of your earnings during the week (grouped as “Your earnings”) minus the amount deposited to you from the previous week’s earnings (grouped in “Trip balance”).

Your earnings: The sum of all fares, tips, and promotions from trips (grouped under “Fare”) minus taxes and service fee.

Trip balance: This reflects the payouts made from Uber to your account (under “Transferred to bank account”) and deducts cash amounts collected by drivers.

End balance: The sum of the earnings generated by you and drivers, minus all charges previously mentioned. This represents the final amount that your fleet generated during the period and will almost always match the amount deposited to your account in the next week.

Note: “Start balance” and “End balance” report only the earnings generated in the week selected, beginning on Monday at 4:00am and ending the next Monday at 3:59am. Earnings from trips completed between 4:00am and bank transfer will be included in the “Transferred to bank account” value within "Payouts". This means that “Start balance” and “Transferred to bank account” may not always match and the difference that you see is equal to the start balance plus or minus the earnings of trips completed between 4:00am and payment effective timestamp.






The types of reports and information available for the selected period are:

Payments Driver: Contains any payment-related details for each driver during the specified period.

Trip Activity: Contains the details of the trips completed by your fleet, such as the name and contact information of the driver, vehicle, addresses, types of service (trips or deliveries), and trip status (completed, canceled, etc.).

Driver Activity: Contains completed trips, online time, and time on-trip for each of the drivers.

Driver Quality: Contains the total completed trips, acceptance rate, cancellation rate, and star rating of each of the drivers.

Payments Transaction: Contains any payment-related transactions during the specified period.

Payments Organization: Contains the details of your account balance at the fleet level, including earnings and collections.


  • 供应商门户网站的收入功能由一个更快、更准确的数据源提供支持。在旧版优步车队工具中,数据和报告的延迟时间最长可达到 3-6 小时。新的供应商门户网站通常会在一小时内生成收入数据报表(注意:最长可能需要 3 小时)。

  • “收入”标签卡以及“报告”标签卡中的“收入(机构)”报告中,都提供了每周收入数据(包括银行转账)。

  • 在“收入”标签卡中,单击与司机结算,即可看到特定期限内司机的结余。此功能可用于跟踪司机的收入和管理您的结算。您也可以使用“报告”标签卡中的“收入(司机)”报告查看这些信息。目前,您仍然需要在平台外与司机结算(尚不支持直接向司机付款)。

  • 不用。您的所有银行和税务信息都会自动转移到新的供应商门户网站。

  • 不,您在一个平台上执行的所有操作都会自动同步到另一个平台,因此不用担心,您无需重复进行任何操作。

  • 是的,这些信息与优步在系统中对收入信息进行分类的方式以及在其他平台(如车主端或优步车队应用)中显示收入数据的方式一致。

  • Invoices are not yet available in the new Supplier Portal (they will be soon). You’ll have to continue using Uber Fleet to check and download invoices temporarily using this link:

  • There will be no change in the weekly payout. Weekly payouts are scheduled for Monday at 4:00am local time.

  • You can either go to Payments and enter the Settle with drivers section or click on Reports and check out the Payments Driver report.