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Business information

  • Name of Company: UT LLC
  • Business registration number: 166-86-02049
  • Name of Representative: Jinwoo Song
  • Address: 343, Samil-daero, Jung-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea
  • Mail-Order-Sales Registration Number: 2021-서울중구-0976

UT LLC and its Affiliates are technology services providers and neither UT LLC nor any of its Affiliates provide any transportation services. The transportation services are provided directly by independent third party service providers to end-users seeking transportation services, and neither UT LLC nor any of its Affiliates earn the transportation related fares. For the avoidance of doubt, any use of the term "customer" in reference to these end-users is not intended to imply a customer relationship between Uber and such end-users under any context (including but not limited to: any aspect of Korean law or accounting principles).