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음주 운전 방지를 위한 노력

Crashes that result from texting while driving and when under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol can be prevented.

Our vast network of riders and drivers holds one another accountable to help keep everyone safe.

Uber의 노력

Providing safer options

Partnering with Mothers Against Drunk Driving

Uber와 음주 운전에 반대하는 어머니들의 모임(MADD)은 #DesignatedRider라는 해시태그를 통해 사람들이 차량을 집에 두고 안전한 차량 서비스를 이용하도록 권장하며 생명을 구하는 운동에 앞장서고 있습니다.

Helping make nights out safer in Australia

Our partnership with DrinkWise makes it easy to leave if your friends want to keep drinking but you don’t. Ghost with Uber lets you request a ride—then share your status with your friends once you’re safely on your way home.

Saving lives on and off the field

Soccer players from Brazil’s Clube Atlético Paranaense partnered with Uber to raise awareness about how distracting texting can be, whether you’re playing a game or driving to work.

Minimizing impaired driving

In a study in Salem, Oregon, more than 59% of Uber’s late-night trips started within 500 feet of an alcohol-serving business. See how our trip data combined with public records is helping us make roads safer.

Getting you home safely

Providing a safe way home when and where people need it most
