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Welcome to Uber’s invoicing requirements. We’re committed to an easy-to-use and accurate invoicing process.

To ensure timely payments, please comply with Uber's purchase order and country-specific invoice requirements.

Choose the region you’re doing business with below for our list of country-specific invoicing requirements by clicking on the + sign to expand the list:


  • Please submit your invoices via uSupplier Portal. Visit our Uber Suppliers for more information.

  • All invoices submitted to Uber must be in your local language, in PDF format. If applicable to your country, please also attach the XML format electronic invoice file. Invoices submitted in non-PDF formats will be rejected.

  • Please submit only (1) invoice at a time, zipped files will be rejected.

  • Invoices which do not comply with Uber's Invoice requirements will be rejected and could result in payment delays.


  • 说明:说明要充分描述所提供的货物或服务。请说明服务日期(如适用)。
  • 数量:供应货物数量
  • 单价:不含增值税/消费税的单位价格(如每小时/每日费率、每件物品的费用、每期租金或租赁费)
  • 接收收据的优步实体名称:企业名称必须完整并正确拼写,且公司名称中必须包含组织类型的缩写(即 Inc.、Ltd.、LLC)。您的采购订单中提供了完整的实体名称。
  • 优步实体的账单地址:优步实体的地址必须与采购订单上的地址完全一致。


Please reach out to your Uber contact to have them create the purchase order before any work commences or goods are delivered. If your Uber contact needs assistance, they can contact the Buyer Operations team via Teamdot

Kindly refer to our FAQs for your additional questions.