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在San Jose出行

計劃到San Jose旅行?無論你是到San Jose旅遊或者是當地居民,本指南都可助你盡情採索市內每個角落。使用 Uber 服務從機場前往酒店,並探索熱門路線和目的地。視乎所在城市,你甚至可以使用 App 乘搭公共交通工具、以單車或滑板車等方式出行。

此外,不妨看看 Uber 對乘客和司機夥伴各自設定的費率,了解如何透過 Uber 在San Jose提供接載和送遞服務、賺取收入。

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透過 Uber 預約San Jose的乘搭服務

使用 Uber 提前安排抵達San Jose後的接載服務。無論你要乘車前往三藩市國際機場、心水餐廳或其他地點,都可提早最多 90 日預約行程。

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在San Jose共乘

有了 Uber,無需租車就能輕鬆暢遊San Jose。決定好該區想去的地方後,任何時間都可以預約行程。你可以即時或提前預約行程,出發時間由你話事。不論是團體旅遊還是一個人旅行,你都可以透過 App 尋找適合的行程選項。

打開 Uber App 並輸入目的地,即可開始探索San Jose。

San Jose周邊地區的機場乘搭服務

在San Jose旅行時,如要從市內某區或其他地方前往機場,開啟 App 即可隨時預約行程。點按下方附近機場的名稱,了解如何透過 Uber 預約乘搭服務前往接機和離境大堂。在連結的機場頁面上,你會看到與司機夥伴會合的地點、行程費用等資料。

選擇暢遊San Jose的最佳方式

  • San Jose的士服務

    在San Jose出行時不妨考慮選用 Uber 安排接載服務,取代的士 。Uber 讓你可隨時隨地預約行程,不用再隨街截的士。預約從機場到酒店的行程、前往餐廳或其他地方。一切由你話事。打開 App 然後輸入目的地即可。

  • San Jose的公共交通工具

    乘搭公共交通工具,享受經濟實惠的出行方式。如果該地區適用於 Uber Transit 服務,即可查看附近的巴士或地鐵路線規劃行程。打開 App 查看所在地區是否有提供 Uber Transit 服務;你亦可透過 Uber 預約共乘服務,前往San Jose的熱門景點。

  • San Jose的單車租用服務

    騎單車周遊市中心,為環保出一分力。你可以在特定城市,透過 Uber 尋找並租用電動單車。打開 App 查看San Jose是否有提供單車租用服務。 如果San Jose有提供單車租用服務,請記得佩戴頭盔並遵守交通法規。


Uber 絕不容許使用 Uber App 的司機飲酒或吸食毒品。如果你認為司機可能受毒品或酒精影響,請立即要求司機終止行程。


After the driver has ended the trip, please report any feedback when rating your trip in the Uber app, emailing, visiting, or calling 800-664-1378.

You may also contact the California Public Utilities Commission at 800-894-9444 or

In California, due to CPUC requirements, you cannot transport an unaccompanied minor on trips arranged through the Uber app. Keep in mind that in California, a rider must be over 18 to sign up for an Uber account, but if you believe a rider might be underage, you can ask them to confirm their age and let them know that you’ll have to cancel the trip if they are indeed under 18. In addition, you can report requests to transport unaccompanied minors by submitting in-app feedback.

All trips to or from SFO are subject to a $5.50 SFO airport surcharge that applies per vehicle, regardless of the number of riders or type of ride as well as any applicable tolls. All trips to or from OAK are subject to a $3.70 OAK airport surcharge that applies per vehicle, regardless of the number of riders or type of ride as well as any applicable tolls. All trips to or from SJC are subject to a $3 airport surcharge and any applicable tolls. All trips to or from MRY are subject to a $3 airport surcharge and any applicable tolls. UberX, Comfort and Assist trips to or from SMF are subject to a $2.5 surcharge and any applicable tolls. UberXL and Uber Black SUV trips to or from SMF are subject to a $3.00 surcharge and any applicable tolls.