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Home > Ride > Routes > Corte Madera CA to San Rafael CA

Best way to get from Corte Madera CA to San Rafael CA

Find the best ways to travel from Corte Madera CA to San Rafael CA. You can also request a ride directly in the app at the tap of a button.

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Reserve a ride in advance to San Rafael CA

Complete your plans today by reserving a ride with Uber to get from Corte Madera CA to San Rafael CA. Request a ride up to 90 days before your trip, at any time and on any day of the year.

Reserve may not be available for your pickup location.

Getting from Corte Madera CA to San Rafael CA

When you ride with Uber on your next trip from Corte Madera CA to San Rafael CA, you’ve got choices. Whether you’re traveling alone or with others, find a ride option that fits your needs and budget. If you like to plan ahead, consider scheduling a ride to San Rafael CA in advance. Or you can request a ride on demand from Corte Madera CA in the Uber app.

The route your driver takes might depend on the time of day and other factors, like traffic and how many other riders are making requests. You can have a stress-free ride knowing that the Uber app will suggest the most efficient route to your driver.

Average Travel Time

12 minutes

Average Route Price


Average Route Distance

5 miles

How to get from Corte Madera CA to San Rafael CA

Compare ride options getting from Corte Madera CA to San Rafael CA. Check the Uber app for current prices and travel options available.



Affordable rides, all to yourself


Uber Black

Uber Black

Premium rides in luxury cars


Uber Green

Uber Green

Sustainable rides in electric vehicles




Affordable rides for groups up to 6


Sample rider prices are estimates only and do not reflect variations due to geography, traffic delays, promotions, or other factors. Flat rates and minimum fees may apply. Actual prices for rides and scheduled rides may vary.

Frequently asked questions

  • The Uber app gives you the power to request a ride from Corte Madera CA anytime, 24/7.

  • The average price for this trip is $17. Open the Uber app and input San Rafael CA in the “Where to?” box. The price estimate for each ride option will appear; scroll to see what’s available. Prices will vary based on time of day and how many riders are making requests.

  • The most affordable ride choice from Corte Madera CA to San Rafael CA is UberX.

  • The average duration for this ride is 12 minutes. Before a trip starts, your app gives an estimated time of arrival (ETA) for when your driver is likely to arrive at Corte Madera CA. After your trip starts, your app provides an ETA for when you are likely to arrive at San Rafael CA. Please note: ETAs are not guaranteed; various factors like heavy traffic or road construction could affect travel time.

  • The average trip from Corte Madera CA to San Rafael CA using the Uber app is about 5 miles.

  • If Uber Reserve is an option in the Uber app at Corte Madera CA, you can request a ride from Corte Madera CA anywhere from 2 hours to 90 days in advance, at any time and on any day of the year. Uber’s ride-scheduling technology and Uber Reserve can help you be on time.

  • Check in the Uber app to see if car rentals are available at Corte Madera CA. If you see the Rent icon, you can complete your reservation using the Uber app. Then you can rent a car and drive yourself to San Rafael CA. To get more details, go to

The data presented on this page represents historical average prices, durations, and distances for routes. Actual prices, durations, and distances may vary based on factors such as location, traffic conditions, and other variables. Information provided here is for reference purposes only and should not be considered as binding.