Vehicle requirements in Brazil
Which car is right for you? Make sure it meets Uber car requirements in your city and remember that you’ll make more money if you keep your costs low.
Your vehicle must-haves
Cars that contain in their CRLV one or more of the following aspects are not accepted by Uber:
- Accident vehicle
- Change in suspension system
- Change in brake system
- Rear seat removal and partition wall inclusion
- Reduction of banks for commerce without the change of internal characteristics
- Adaptation for funerary transport
- For collection
Modified vehicles containing the following terms cannot be approved:
- Free height from the ground
- Recall pending
Eligible vehicles list
Find the vehicle makes and models that are eligible to drive with Uber in your city.
Vehicle options in Brazil
Qualquer veículo com todos estes requerimentos:
- Para conferir Modelo e ano veja lista acima
- 4 portas e 5 lugares
- Ar Condicionado
Não são aceitos carros adesivados, com placa vermelha, pick-ups, vans e caminhonetes. Sem excessões.
Uber Comfort
Disponível em: Cabo Frio, Piracicaba, São Carlos, Caxias do Sul, Itajaí, Volta Redonda, São José dos Campos, São José do Rio Preto, Bauru, Macaé, Campos dos Goytacazes e Petrópolis.
- Veículos com tempo de fabricação máximo de 6 anos*
- 4 portas e 5 lugares
- Ar Condicionado
Não são aceitos carros adesivados, com placa vermelha, pick-ups, vans e caminhonetes. Sem excessões.
*O tempo de fabricação pode variar de cidade para cidade, levando em consideração o cenário e contexto de cada local.
Vehicle solutions
No matter how you plan to drive, we can help you find a car that’s right for you. Discover the range of options available to you.
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Get support
Let’s make every Uber trip hassle-free. Our support pages can help you set up your account, get started with the app, adjust fares, and much more.
Contact Uber
Got questions? Get answers. Enjoy personal support at an Uber Greenlight Hub in your city.
Find a fleet
If you would like to drive using the Uber app and need to be connected with a licensed fleet company, as per local regulatory requirements, please connect with some of the fleets listed here.
Reduce your costs and take home more of what you make in your city with driver discounts and rewards from Uber’s partners.
Partner Protection
Partner Protection helps protect you from the cost of accidents or life events, and is provided at no cost to all eligible independent driver partners.
The information provided on this web page is intended for informational purposes only and may not be applicable in your country, region, or city. It is subject to change and may be updated without notice.
Opportunities by city