We believe that everyone should feel supported and welcomed. That’s why we’ve created standards on physical contact, inappropriate conduct and sexual assault, threatening and rude behaviour, unwanted contact, discrimination and property damage.
Don’t touch strangers or anyone you just met while using any of Uber’s apps. Hitting, hurting or intending to hurt anyone is never allowed.
Inappropriate conduct and sexual assault
Personal space and privacy should be respected at all times. The following list provides examples of inappropriate conduct, but is not exhaustive.
- Behaviours and comments that could make people feel uncomfortable are not acceptable. Examples include nudges, sexual gestures, whistles and winks. Don’t touch or flirt with people you don’t know.
- Certain conversations that could be perceived as harmless can be offensive. Don’t comment on appearance, perceived gender identity or sexual orientation. Unrelated personal questions may offend, such as ‘Are you in a relationship?’ Avoid discussing your own or someone else’s sex life, using explicit language or making jokes about sex.
- Uber has a no-sex rule. Sexual contact is prohibited while using the Uber apps, including during a trip or on a delivery. Learn more here.
Sexual assault and sexual harassment of any kind is prohibited. Sexual assault and misconduct refers to sexual contact or behaviour without explicit consent of the other person.
- 针对乘客和 Uber Eats 优食顾客的建议
- Tips for driver and delivery partners
Down Small 轻松而友好地与顾客、乘客、合作餐厅相关人员等交流。请勿询问私人问题,或冒犯他人。
- Tips for driver and delivery partners
Down Small 如果顾客、乘客或餐厅并非因为当前行程、送餐问题或返还遗失物品事宜而联系您,应立即告知优步。
- 针对乘客和 Uber Eats 优食顾客的建议
Down Small 如果合作车主或派送员并非因为当前行程、送餐问题或返还遗失物品事宜而联系您,请立即告知优步。
- Tips for driver and delivery partners
Down Small 不可仅由于某个特定街区的居民或企业的特征而避免前往该地区,并因此故意拒绝或取消派单。
- 给商家的建议
Down Small 不得由于顾客或派送员受法律保护的特征而拒绝或取消订单。如果认为派送员由于您或顾客受法律保护的特征而拒绝取餐,请在优步应用中报告此事件。
- 针对乘客和 Uber Eats 优食顾客的建议
Down Small 如果认为合作车主或派送员由于您受法律保护的特征而拒绝提供接载或派送服务,请在优步应用中报告此事件。
- 针对自行车和滑板车使用者的建议
Down Small 当您骑自行车或搭乘优步时,如果认为其他用户基于您受法律保护的特征而欺凌、侮辱或骚扰您,请在优步应用中报告此事件。