优质服务理应获得嘉奖。每次行程或派送完成后,乘客和 Uber Eats 优食顾客可以在应用中选择支付小费。
It’s easy to receive tips directly through the Uber app.
Cash out tips and earnings anytime with Flex Pay.
As soon as tipping becomes available in your city, you’ll be notified in your Uber Driver app and by email. To start accepting tips from riders: 1) update or download the latest version of the Uber Driver app, 2) close and restart your app, 3) tap Accept Tips.
You can see total tips in your weekly summary. Tips can be cashed out at any time using Flex Pay, just like your other earnings.
行程结束后,乘客有 30 天时间来添加小费。您上线时,将看到自上次打开优步车主端后新收到的任何小费。
- 如何选择接受小费?
只要您所在城市推出了小费功能,您将会在车主端内和电子邮箱中收到通知。若想接受乘客给予的小费,请执行以下操作:1) 更新或下载最新版本的车主端;2) 务必关闭车主端,然后重启;3) 轻触“接受小费”。
- 小费如何计入我的收入?
Down Small Tips belong to you and are automatically added to your total earnings. There are zero service fees applied to your tips.
- 是否所有优步行程都可以接受小费?
Down Small You can accept tips on Uber trips including UberX, UberPool, Uber Black, Uber SUV, uberTAXI, Uber Select, UberXL, WAV, Assist, Uber Hop, Uber Commute, and deliveries with Uber Eats.
- 评分对我的小费有何影响?
Down Small Ratings don't affect tips, and tips aren't tied to 5-star ratings. However, Uber riders and Uber Eats customers must rate their trip before they can add a tip.
- 如果我不小心忽略了选择接受小费,我该如何接受小费?
Down Small 在优步车主端的主页动态消息中,您可以通过通知来选择接受小费。
- 小费有多少会付给合作车主,多少付给优步?
Down Small 您收到的小费无需支付任何服务费。
- 我在哪里可以查看小费?
Down Small 您可以在车主端的“收入”部分追踪小费信息,也可以通过 drivers.uber.com 追踪您的小费。小费也会显示在您的每周明细、交易活动以及每日/每周收入汇总中。乘客可在行程结束后的 30 天内添加小费。针对 Uber Eats 优食,顾客可在派送行程结束后的 7 天内添加小费。
- When will tips be available to me for Flex Pay?
Down Small 收到小费后,您即可立即使用。
- 顾客/乘客是否需要完成某些操作才能给予小费?
Down Small 乘客和 Uber Eats 优食顾客需要升级至最新版本的应用,才能使用应用内的小费功能。我们会向所有乘客和 Uber Eats 优食顾客发送电子邮件,通知他们需要升级应用才能开始支付小费。
- 乘客是否必须支付小费?
Down Small 不,乘客并非必须向合作车主支付小费。
- 乘客/顾客可以在行程结束后的多长时间内支付小费?
Down Small Your riders can provide a tip as long as 30 days after your trip is complete. Riders can provide a tip to past drivers after a ride has been completed, from their trip history, help.uber.com, riders.uber.com, or their email receipts. Uber Eats customers can provide a tip up to 7 days after your trip is complete.
- 我能否看到特定乘客/顾客支付了多少小费?
Down Small 为保护乘客/顾客的隐私,您能在行程收据中看到所得小费,但看不到乘客/顾客的姓名或照片。
- 我受雇于某个车队,该如何获取小费?
Down Small 如果您受雇于某个车队,则合作车队负责人在查看您的收入明细后有责任向您支付任何所欠小费。
- 还有其他问题吗?
Down Small 请访问 help.uber.com。