今年六月份,Uber 在全美與 (RED) 攜手,推動了EAT (RED) DRINK (RED) SAVE LIVES 計畫,關懷愛滋病患並防治愛滋病的蔓延。在世界愛滋病日的這一天,我們持續與 (RED) 合作,並邀請所有用戶參與,一起推動實現無愛滋世代!

(RED) 期許在2020年能達成零母嬰垂直感染的重要目標;這個週二,12月1日是世界愛滋病日,全球 Uber App 中的車輛將會同步轉變為紅色,喚醒民眾對愛滋病議題的重視,並呼籲全世界用戶與我們一起關懷並朝向無愛滋世代的實踐。

實際響應線上捐款,推動無愛滋世代。 <請至:http://t.uber.com/reddonate>

您的一點點付出,就能夠挽救未來的無數個生命 – 每天只需要不到10元新台幣的捐款,就能幫助不幸患有愛滋病的母親穩定接受藥物治療,預防腹中胎兒垂直感染。

Back in June Uber joined the EAT (RED) DRINK (RED) SAVE LIVES campaign to fight AIDS with (RED). This World AIDS Day, we’re partnering with (RED) and enabling riders to help drive towards an AIDS Free Generation.

(RED) has set their sights on eliminating mother-to-child transmission of HIV (MTCT) globally by 2020. On Tuesday, Dec. 1, around the world cars in-app will turn red to drive awareness around the cause.

Support the drive to an AIDS-free generation. <link to http://t.uber.com/reddonate>

Your support helps deliver lifesaving medicine — which now costs as little as 30 cents a day — to a mother living with AIDS.