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10 个调查奖励思路及其好处

Published: January 23, 2024

Sending customer surveys is one of the most efficient and effective ways to determine how your customers are feeling about your brand and products. It can also be a great way to learn more about who your customers are and what they care about. Plus, customer feedback can help inspire new ideas for products and features that you can add to your offerings based on what your audience truly needs.

To derive all those benefits from customer surveys, though, you need to get people to respond. Offering survey incentives is a smart strategy to accomplish that.

What is a survey incentive?

A survey incentive is a reward that you offer to customers to prompt them to complete your survey. It can take many forms (as we’ll discuss below), but it’s essentially a small token of value designed to help make the time that the survey requires more worthwhile to respondents.

Why to use survey incentive

Survey incentives are a valuable tool to get more out of your customer surveys for a few main reasons:

Response rates can increase

Hearing from even one customer is valuable, but you don’t want to make big business decisions based on a small dataset. To get actionable intel that helps you see the bigger picture, you need a high response rate. Research from PeoplePulse found that survey incentives lift response rates by 10%–15%.

The results may be more accurate

Without an incentive, the people most likely to respond to a customer survey are generally those with strong opinions. Customers who adore your brand will be quick to share their feelings, as will those with negative experiences who use the survey to express their frustration. While those customers and their thoughts are important, they don’t represent your entire customer base. Offering incentives for survey participation can help you get responses from the customers who fall in the middle and likely make up the majority.

You can show customers that you value their input

Customer feedback has genuine value for your brand. Offering incentives for surveys shows customers you recognize that and are willing to go beyond words to compensate them for their contribution.

It’s a way to thank customers for their time

People are busy. When asking customers to take an action that requires time—even if it’s just 5 minutes—offering something in return makes their decision that much easier.

10 个调查奖励思路

您无需投入大量资金,就能提供富有吸引力的调查奖励。小奖励也能有大帮助。我们在下方列出了 10 个值得借鉴的调查奖励思路:


提供小额(如 5 至 10 美元)礼品卡是一种受欢迎的调查奖励措施。如果您计划这样做,那么在选择礼品卡时,记得选择您认为顾客会喜欢的品牌。深受大众喜爱的大型零售商的礼品卡或可用于支付行程费用或餐点派送费的优步礼品卡都可能是不错的选择。*

2. 代用券



组织抽奖活动不但能吸引顾客参与调查,还有助于您控制奖励措施的成本。在抽奖活动中,每位完成调查的受访者都有机会赢取为数不多的几个大奖。例如有五位中奖者,每人将获得一张 100 美元的礼品卡或一台 iPad。对有的受访者来说,虽然中小奖的几率更高,但是中大奖的可能性对他们来说更有吸引力。不过请注意,抽奖活动涉及到额外的法律问题。此外,每个州/省关于抽奖活动的规定各不相同,因此如果您打算组织抽奖活动,我们建议您事先咨询律师。









8. 向慈善机构捐款

越来越多的顾客希望,他们在购物时所选的公司与自己秉持相同的价值观。Harris Poll 和 Google Cloud 的研究显示,82% 的顾客表示,他们希望品牌与自己在价值观方面保持一致。对于热心公益的消费者来说,与直接提供奖励相比,向他们关注的慈善机构提供小额捐款具有同等吸引力。您不但能通过调查了解他们的看法,还能通过支持公益事业来树立公司信誉。









优步拥有超过 1.15 亿活跃用户,可能是众多顾客首选的乘车和送餐应用。鉴于顾客使用并重视优步平台的服务,您可以通过向他们提供优步礼品卡代用券来巧妙地吸引更多顾客参与调查,并拉近与他们的关系。您可以在优步企业版管理面板中轻松订购礼品卡和代用券。如果您还没有账号,可以立即注册

*免责声明:以美元购买的礼品卡由 The Bancorp Bank, N.A. 发放。