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Uber Eats Pro(优食派送员奖励计划)简介

We’re excited to introduce you to Uber Eats Pro, a program built to help you reach your goals—on and off the road. You can earn points with every completed trip to unlock exciting rewards. Additional terms apply.¹


通过 Uber Eats Pro(优食派送员奖励计划),您有机会升级至更高级别的身份并解锁新的奖励。附加条款在此适用。¹ 奖励可能包括:

Discounts at Restaurants

Enjoy exclusive discounts at various restaurants.

Discounted Safety Gear

Delivery partners enjoy exclusive discounts on safety gear when making purchases with our partners.

Online Priority Support

Need help? Diamond partners enjoy priority access to online support.



通过 Uber Eats 优食提供派送服务即可赚取积分。有些派送行程可让您赚取更多积分。


除了赚取积分外,餐厅和顾客满意度评分保持在 90% 以上,即有资格解锁更多奖励




每完成一次派送行程可获 1 个积分

在午餐期间(上午 11 点至下午 3 点)每完成一次派送行程可获 3 个积分

在晚餐期间(下午 6 点至晚上 10 点)每完成一次派送行程可获 3 个积分

Uber Eats Pro Rewards

Uber Eats Pro Rewards




30 points


100 个积分


300 points

Lumos Bicycle Helemts

Discounted Car Service by Seibii

Y's Road Membership

Cashback on gas with Cosmo Oil

Uber Eats Webshop

Language Lessons with Rosetta Stone

Uber Eats Promotional Codes

Free drinks with Coke ON

Uber One Free Trial


You earn points during fixed one-month periods. Points reset after each calendar month.

When you earn enough points to unlock the next level of reward, you can start enjoying your new rewards right away.²


  • 目前,该计划正在测试阶段,我们正针对不同地点的特定用户进行测试。请查看车主端,以便了解是否提供该计划。

  • You earn points during fixed one-month periods. Points reset after each calendar month.

    When you earn enough points to unlock the next level of offer, you can start enjoying your new offers right away.²

  • 如果您同时也是优步合作车主,则可能符合参与 Uber Pro 的资格,请在此处查看该计划的详细信息。

¹Program Rewards vary by location and are subject to change. Check the app for available Rewards. Rewards described on this page may not be available in all cities where Uber Eats Pro is available. Uber is not responsible for third-party rewards, products, and/or services. See terms and conditions for complete details.

²Once you obtain a higher Tier, you may be able to immediately access some Rewards for the higher Tier, but not all Rewards may be available immediately.