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Come ricevere assistenza

Help with the app is available when you need it, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Here are some ways you can get answers and contact Uber for assistance.

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Modalità di assistenza

If you need help with the app, here are ways you can get support that’s fast, friendly, and available around the clock.

1. Tap Help in the app menu to see answers to frequently asked questions.

2. Don’t see the answer you need? Scroll down to call us.

3. Puoi anche visitare un Centro di Assistenza Partner per ricevere assistenza o fare una domanda su

If you contact Uber through, our support team will get back to you within 24 hours. You’ll receive a notification on your phone (if you have notifications enabled) letting you know that you’ve received a response. We’ll also send you an email.

Suggerimenti per rispondere agli incidenti

Ci impegniamo per dare la priorità alla sicurezza di tutti gli utenti del servizio Uber. Se sei stato coinvolto in un incidente, assicurati che le persone coinvolte stiano bene e chiama la polizia e l'ambulanza, se necessario.

You can report the accident to Uber by tapping the menu button, then Help, followed by Trip Issues and Adjustments, then I was in an accident. A member of Uber’s team will reach out to gather information about the accident.

Ulteriore assistenza

Non riesci ancora a trovare ciò di cui hai bisogno? Prova con queste utili risorse.

Assistenza online

Our website at has a wealth of great information for new and experienced drivers.

Problemi con l'utente

If you’d like to report an issue about your rider, tap the menu at the top left of the Driver app, then Help, followed by Trip Issues and Adjustments and Issue with a rider.

Fissare un appuntamento

In alcune città, puoi fissare un appuntamento presso il Centro di Assistenza Partner locale direttamente tramite l'app.

Domande frequenti

  • Use the frequently asked questions inside your Driver app to get fast answers. You’ll find them by tapping the menu icon, then Help.

  • If you're having trouble signing in to your Driver app, you can reset your password here. Use the email address you believe is associated with your account. We'll send you an email with a link to reset your password.

  • Per prima cosa, prova a chiudere l'app (se possibile, forza l'interruzione invece di lasciarla in esecuzione in background), poi riaprila. Se continua a non funzionare, potrebbe essere necessario ripristinare le impostazioni di rete sul tuo telefono o disinstallare e reinstallare l'app Uber Driver.

Guida a modo tuo con l'app

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