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關懷優步 Assist 的成立是為了建立無障礙社會出一分力,讓行動不便人士有多一個貼心的出行選擇,享用優質及價錢適宜的點對點服務。

關懷優步 Assist 的任務

香港現在每六名市民就有一位行動不便人士。由於現有交通配套並不足夠切合他們需要,而專為傷健人士而設的的士服務亦非常昂貴,因此讓他們失去出外行動的自由。為了解決這個問題,Uber 開發了關懷優步 Assist 的服務, 為行動不便者提供優質,價錢相宜和毋須預約的點對點接送服務。

在世界各地多個城市,關懷優步 Assist 已為數以百萬計人次的行動不便人士,帶來提供便利的交通及提高出行自主權。無論是失明、失聰、行動不便、復康人士,還是老人、孕婦等,都可以使用關懷優步 Assist 的服務。

如何加入成為關懷優步 Assist 司機夥伴?

只要評分不低於 4.7 分和有 100 程經驗,即可報名參加免費培訓,成為關懷優步 Assist司機夥伴。

完成課堂後首個星期一開始,你就可以開始接受關懷優步 Assist 行程。

每個關懷優步 Assist 行程將有更低的平台服務費,用下調為每程為 15%。

歡迎你 按此登記參加免費培訓班

Serving people with different needs

Helping people with limited mobility

Knowing how to store wheelchairs and scooters helps people with limited mobility to feel welcome and independent in your car.

Helping people who are blind

You can assist people who are blind or have vision impairment by offering to guide them to your car.

Helping people who are deaf

You can help people who are deaf or have hearing impairment by being patient and using visual communication.

Helping people with service animals

You can help people with service animals by welcoming their companions into your car. In most circumstances, you are required by law to accommodate service animals.

Helping people who are elderly or pregnant

You can help people who are elderly or pregnant by offering them additional assistance into your car.