在剑桥出行时,不妨考虑通过优步叫车,不用再等出租车。使用优步,您可以随时按需叫车,无需再挥手打车。您可以叫车从机场去酒店、去餐厅或去其他地方,地点任您选择。打开优步应用,输入目的地,即可叫 车。
骑自行车是在市中心出行的一种环保方式。在某些城市,您可以通过优步查找电动自行车并轻松骑行。只需打开应用,查看是否可在剑桥获取电动自行车。 如果在剑桥骑电动自行车,请务必始终佩戴头盔,并遵守交通法规。
- 优步是否在剑桥提供服务?
- 在剑桥,哪种出行方式最实惠?
Down Small 使用优步,您在剑桥旅行时可以选择最适合您的方式出行。要查看预估车费,请打开乘客端,在“您想去哪里?”框中输入目的地。屏幕上将显示每种行程选项对应的预估车费金额; 滑动查看当前可选的行程选项。
- 在剑桥,没有车可以方便出行吗?
Down Small 是的。打开优步应用,在剑桥叫车,让司机送您到目的地。(您还可能在应用中看到在剑桥的其他出行方式。)
- 我可以在剑桥租车吗?
Down Small 请查看优步应用,了解您所在城市是否提供租车服务。如果是,请在优步应用中选择“租车”,并选择租车服务提供商完成预订。然后,您就可以在剑桥或其他地方驾车出行。
- 优步如何在剑桥保障乘客安全?
Down Small 保障您在剑桥的出行安全是我们的第一要务。您只需轻触屏幕,即可使用应用内功能,例如紧急援助按钮,以便在需要帮助时呼叫有关部门。
司机结束行程后,您可以在通过优步乘客端为行程评分时提交反馈,也可以访问 help.uber.com,或致电 800-664-1378。
Trips beginning or ending in the City of Burlington are subject to a $0.25 surcharge. Trips beginning at BTV Airport that end within the City of Burlington are subject to a $2.25 surcharge. Trips ending at BTV Airport that begin within the City of Burlington are subject to a $2.25 surcharge. Trips beginning or ending at BTV Airport that neither begin nor end within the City of Burlington are subject to a $2 surcharge. To contact the Taxi Administration Office with compliments or complaints, email cdunbar@burlingtonvt.gov or call 802-865-7020.
Burlington Passenger Bill of Rights: (1) The drivers of vehicles for hire shall conduct themselves in a courteous and professional manner at all times; (2) The rate of fare must have been agreed upon prior to the ride and posted in vehicles, on websites, on apps, or on a printed or electronic receipt, or must be calculated by a taximeter at the rates determined by the board. A TNC that provides riders with the applicable rates being charged and the option to receive an estimated fare before the rider enters the TNC vehicle complies with this provision; (3) The driver’s first name, picture, license plate number, and vehicle make and model must be prominently displayed in vehicles, on websites, on apps, or on a printed or electronic receipt; (4) Smoking is not permitted in any vehicle at any time; (5) No person other than the driver is permitted to remain in the vehicle at any time without the express consent of all passengers; (6) The vehicle shall have a clean passenger seat area and trunk; (7) The driver must know and obey all traffic laws and take the most direct or efficient route to your destination; (8) You may direct the destination and route used; (9) There shall be adequate heat and air conditioning in every vehicle; (10) Licensee policy regarding the capping of dynamic pricing during emergencies shall be followed.