If you’re a rider, please visit the OKC dropoff page or OKC pickup page instead.
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Pickups at the airport
It is easy to receive trip requests from riders leaving the airport. Please note that these trips work a little differently than other requests.
Waiting for requests
Uber’s technology uses a first-in-first-out (FIFO) queue. This means that, in order to receive a trip request, you need to enter the designated waiting area, located within a “FIFO zone”. You will then be placed in a virtual queue where the first Earner to enter will be the first to receive a trip request.
Based on the operating agreement with the airport, please wait in the dedicated staging area located at 4301 Amelia Earheart Lane, in the Western part of the lot.
Some things to know about FIFO queues:
- Proximity to the terminal within the FIFO zone does not create an advantage for Earners or move you closer to the top of the queue.
- If there are no Earners in the FIFO zone, trip requests will go to Uber Earners in the area - outside of the FIFO zone - based on proximity and other factors.
- You can lose your place in line if:
- You go offline on your Uber Driver app
- You drive outside the FIFO zone
- You do not accept multiple incoming trip requests in a row
- You cancel a ride (if the rider cancels, you will remain at the top of the queue)
Picking up your rider
Once you accept a trip request, the pickup area is located at the upper level Departures area (see map below). You’ll see TNC Pickup area signage.
Dropoffs at the airport
Based on the operating agreement with the airport, riders can be dropped off at the departures area. If you’d like to receive a trip request afterward, you’ll need to keep the Uber Driver app on to maintain your place in the FIFO queue.
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