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Make extra cash with Uber Eats

23 February 2018 / New Zealand
Featured image for Make extra cash with Uber Eats
Uber Eats support is here to support you. You’ll find important information on how to complete your first trip
The partner app is where you can accept orders, navigate to restaurants, complete deliveries and contact the restaurant or eater. Using the app is super easy, follow the steps and you’ll be a pro in no time!
If you want to see where Uber Eats operates in your area, click to check out a map.
To upload your bank details,
Delivering food with Uber Eats is easy! You can find tips from our top delivery partners .
We understand things on the road don’t always go to plan. Uber Eats support is here to support you. Click to learn how to get help.
We’re super excited to introduce a new delivery partner incentive called “Boost”. It’s a new way to boost your earnings! Find out how Boost incentives work
Received more than one order? That’s called a Batched Trip! Click for a one-stop shop to get up to speed on this handy in-app feature. You’ll be delivering and earning more in no time!
The driver app is used to complete deliveries. Check out the link for an interactive walk through on how you can complete a delivery with Uber Eats.

Posted by Uber Australia


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