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Helping you stay alert behind the wheel

28 November 2024 / Amsterdam

At Uber we are committed to the safety, not only of those who interact with our application, but of all the people who share public roads.

We included a feature in the app to help drivers have visibility into the hours they have been driving to help them stay safe on the road.

🔹 What is the Driving Time Limit?

  • The “Driving Time Limit” is a function within the application that counts driving time and initiates a disconnection period when a driver exceeds the limit.
  • For your safety; as well as that of users, pedestrians and all road users; the limit of hours you can drive with the Uber app is 12 hours. If you exceed this time, the application will automatically disconnect you for 6 hours.
  • Drivers and delivery people will receive notifications in the app when they have 2 hours, one hour and 30 minutes of driving time left. Every time they are offline for 6 hours or more, the driving hours will reset.

🔹 What counts as Driving Time?

  • The in-app feature automatically counts the total number of hours a driver spends driving while online. If you’re moving, time counts.

🔹 How does the Configuration Policy work?

  • 🚗 Driving time: 12 hours (cumulative)
  • 😴 Disconnected time: 6 hours (consecutive)
  • For every 6 consecutive hours a driver is offline, their available driving time resets to 12 hours.
  • After 12 hours of accumulated driving, the driver will be offline for 6 consecutive hours.
  • If the hour limit is reached, that is, 12 accumulated hours of driving, the application will automatically disconnect you for 6 uninterrupted hours. If you are on a trip, the disconnection occurs at the end of the trip. As soon as those 6 hours pass, you will be automatically enabled to drive again.
  • You can take your own breaks and go offline for as long as you want, but unless you are offline for 6 hours straight, your driving time will be reset to zero.

Frequently Asked Questions 


1. Why did you create this feature?

This new feature was created to promote safe and responsible use of the app. We want to strengthen our focus on helping to keep users, drivers, pedestrians, and other vehicles safe.

2. What counts as online hours?

The in-app feature automatically counts the total number of hours a driver spends driving whilst online. Time is counted when you are connected and on the move (from accepting a ride to picking up the user and travel time). 

3. Do 12 hours only count if they were uninterrupted?

No, the hours accumulate. To reset the counter, it is recommended to take a break and stop driving for 6 hours straight.

4. If I wait a long time to receive a travel request, what will it look like in these cases? Will waiting time be counted?

If you’re just waiting to receive a ride request and are not moving, time doesn’t count. If you’re on the move, time counts.

5. Does the count reset every 24 hours or at midnight?

The count is only reset once you stop driving for 6 consecutive hours.

6. Will the system send me a message when the time limit is near?

Yes, the app will notify you when you have 2 hours, one hour and 30 minutes of driving time left.

7. Are the hours counted even when I am offline?

No, your hours are only counted when you are online.

8. Where do I see the online time?

You can see how long you’ve been online and how many hours you have left in the “Driving Time” option in your app.

9. What happens when I reach the maximum hour limit?

If you reach the hour limit; that is, 12 hours of driving in a row; the application will automatically disconnect you for 6 uninterrupted hours. If you are on a trip, the disconnection occurs at the end of the trip. As soon as those 6 hours pass, you will be automatically enabled to go online and drive again.

10. How will I know when I can no longer accept deliveries and when I can reconnect?

The app will notify you when you have 2 hours, one hour and 30 minutes of driving time left. If you do not take enough time disconnected from the application, it will automatically log you out and will not allow you to receive trips. After 6 hours, you will automatically be enabled to go online and receive deliveries again.

11. Can I take my own breaks, and will this count towards the 6 hour “rest period”?

Yes, you can go offline for as long as you want to rest, but unless you go offline for 6 hours straight or more, your driving time will be reset to zero.

For more information about the safety features we have.

Posted by Karthik Prasad

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