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Your ultimate Durga Puja Ride Guide 2017 is arriving now

25 September 2017 / Kolkata
Featured image for Your ultimate Durga Puja Ride Guide 2017 is arriving now
Badamtala Ashar SanghaPromising a captivating visit, this pandal is dedicated to the tourism partnership between the US and India. Observe city skylines like never before.
Bose Pukur Sitala MandirMade entirely by more than 2 million pipe segments, this pandal depicts the unique nature of water pipes, used not only to drain out waste water, but also to water fields of crops.
Kumartuli SarbojaninKumartuli is the area from where all the legendary clary artisans of Durga idols come from. This pandal is a tribute to these great artists, who have produced the grandest idols in the past decades.
Ahritola Sarbajanin DurgatsabWalk in and witness the circle of life. Through the form of spheres, the theme of mel bandhan is shown. If you believe in the saying what goes around comes around, be sure to stop by.
Sikdar Bagan SadharanBoasting of a huge Lord Shiva idol, the theme this year is destruction & construction. It is believed that Lord Shiva took poison to save mankind and hence is the centre of attraction for this theme.
Suruchi SanghaOne of the most famous pandals every Pujo, Suruchi Sangha promises a display of surprises around unity in diversity. The pandal is built entirely from bamboo sticks!
Deshapriya ParkEver been to the White Temple in Thailand? You have now! Made entirely in white, this pandal is expecting more than 50 lakh people!
Sreebhumi Durga PujaSee it to believe it, a replica of the Bahubali Palace. Make your way through the feet of the elephant and be guided by themed lights to the pandal. 
Tridhara SammilaniGet ready for your jaw to drop at the vibrant colours with a theme of Modernism – a boon or a curse. At a time when rapid urbanisation has pushed Nature into the backseat, Devi Durga is arriving to restore the ecological balance.
Bhaghajatin B & C Block DurgotsavCreated by renowned artist Sabyasachi Pal, the theme of antipollution is amplified through green signals all around.

Posted by Uber Kolkata


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