To the drivers who help us get from A to B every day, thank you.
Uber | belairdirect
Every day, thousands of drivers provide outstanding service to riders across Canada. These drivers deserve more than 5 stars and that’s where Compliments come in handy. With Compliments, you can give drivers an extra thank you in-app for going the extra mile.
To celebrate the contribution of drivers who top the charts with Compliments, we’re teaming up with belairdirect to surprise them with unique experiences.
The experiences
The shopping spree
We surprised 3 Toronto drivers who provide ‘Excellent Service’ time and time again.
The movie screening
To celebrate Montreal’s ‘Entertaining Drivers’, we invited drivers to a special movie screening.
A trip home
We surprised a special driver in Toronto who has ‘Great Conversations’ with his riders time and time again.
A new car
We teamed up with belairdirect to celebrate a special driver who’s an ‘Expert Navigator’ with a special surprise for her and her family, just in time for the holidays.
How Compliments work
Compliments is a feature in the Uber app, that lets riders thank drivers based on where you think they went above and beyond. Whether for expertly navigating the city streets or striking up a great conversation that brighten your mood, it’s the small things that make a big difference.
After rating your driver out of 5 stars, riders can select a Compliment of their choice, such as Excellent Service, Entertaining Driver, Expert Navigator or Above and Beyond, to give an extra thank you.
Compliments are an additional way to express gratitude and recognize when a driver goes the extra mile to make the ride more memorable and fun.
Posted by Uber Canada
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Get a ride when you need one
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