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Our environmental, social, and governance approach

We envision a future that is more sustainable, equitable, and profitable—not just for us, but also for those who rely on our platform for opportunity. As a global company, we are constantly evaluating risks and opportunities both internal and external. We recognize that various environmental, social, and governance factors can affect our business, and we understand the impact our business can have on society and our stakeholders. By working to align our material ESG priorities with the interests of our business and stakeholders, we aim to apply the appropriate governance, engagement, and thoughtfulness to our approach, which we believe helps enable us to protect and deliver economic value and continual long-term growth.

ESG reporting

Progress starts with taking a serious look at where we stand today and sharing results to drive accountability. Please find our latest reports below.

Driver and courier well-being

Drivers and couriers overwhelmingly choose platform work because they value the flexibility to work when, where, and how they want, as reflected in various surveys conducted across multiple markets.

We continue to advocate for quality platform work that provides independent platform workers with flexibility, fair and transparent earning opportunities, access to social protection and benefits, meaningful representation, and learning and development opportunities.

Environmental sustainability and climate change

Uber is working toward a more sustainable future because it’s the right thing to do for our business, the people who use our platform, and the cities in which we operate.

We continue to publish our progress toward our goals and Uber’s climate impact through our Environmental, Social, and Governance Report and our Climate Assessment and Performance Report.

People and culture

Det er vigtigt, at vi tiltrækker og fastholder en mangfoldig blanding af mennesker, der bliver motiveret og får energi af vores mission. Vi har brug for handlekraftige folk, der forsøger at forbedre funktionaliteten af vores platform verden over. Vi ved, at vi ikke passer til alle, og derfor har vi forpligtet os til at være gennemsigtige omkring, hvem vi er, og hvordan det er at arbejde hos Uber.

Vi indsamler data fra medarbejderne for at få indsigt i, hvad der betyder mest for dem, og hvorfor de bliver og opbygger en karriere hos os. Vi bruger denne indsigt til at få styr på vores prioriteter og tilgang, og som resultat fokuserer vi på seks forskellige medarbejderbehov: stolthed, tilhørsforhold og lighed, vækst, kompensation, trivsel og tillid. Denne strategi for menneskelig kapital sikrer, at vi tager hensyn til vores mangfoldige medarbejderstabs behov og fortsætter med at skabe en engagerende, retfærdig og inklusiv oplevelse inden for hvert af disse kritiske områder.

Civil Rights Assessment

Our goal is to help ensure that people can move freely, equitably, and safely. In support of that goal, and following engagement with shareholders, Uber has undergone a Civil Rights Assessment. The assessment was conducted by Covington & Burling, under the direction of former US Attorney General Eric Holder. It was designed to evaluate our impact on rideshare drivers, communities, and employees in the US, with the intent to promote civil rights and identify areas where we can continue to improve as an equitable and inclusive platform.


Vores bestyrelse har forpligtet sig til at lede virksomheden bedst muligt og er af den klare holdning, at vi skal være gennemsigtige og ansvarlige over for vores aktionærer i forhold til vores kultur, ledelse og virksomhedsansvar. I vores rejse for at opbygge en offentlig virksomhedsledelsesstruktur i verdensklasse har vi styrket og sammensat en bestyrelse med forskellige baggrunde, evner og erfaringer.

De ESG-problemstillinger, der identificeres i vores væsentlighedsvurdering, er vigtige for vores virksomheds og vores forretningsstrategis langsigtede succes. Derfor overvåges disse af Ubers bestyrelse og bestyrelsens relevante uafhængige udvalg for revision, kompensation, valg og ledelse.

Uber's ESG reporting may contain forward-looking statements regarding our future business expectations, which involve risks and uncertainties. Actual results may differ materially from the results predicted, and reported results should not be considered as an indication of future performance. Please view our 2024 ESG Report for more.

Greenhouse gas emissions data in Uber's ESG Report has been verified by LRQA. LRQA’s verification statement can be found here.

An overview of Uber's use of carbon offsets can be found here