Canton Zurich
1: Select "Neuerfassung" and note the current date
2: In "Verantwortliche Person" note your first and last name and your date of birth
3: In "Betriebsadresse" note where Firma "Uber Eats (einzig für administrative Zwecke)"
Note your own private address
4: In "Betriebsart" note "Kurierdienst, C 104 Transportunternehmen: verpackte Waren"
5: In "Erreichbarkeit" note your phone number and e-mail address
6: In "Bestätigung der Vollständigkeit" note date and place, sign the document
7: Leave this page empty
8: Select "C 104 Transportunternehmen: verpackte Waren"
9: Note date and place, sign the document
10: Upload all page on the Uber Driver App
11: Send the filled out Meldeformular to the Kantonales Labor Zürich, Fehrenstrasse 15, Postfach 8032 Zürich or via e-mail to