Canton Valais/Wallis
1: Select "Nouvelle annonce"
2: In "Personne responsable" note your first and last name, your date of birth, your private address, phone number and e-mail address
3: In "Adresse de l'entreprise" note "Livreur indépendant" your private address, phone number and e-mail address
4: In "Type d'enterprise" note "C104 Transport de DAI conditionnées/emballées"
5: In "Taille de l'entreprise" select "Entreprise unique" and "Entreprise d'importance cantonale"
6: In "Joignabilité" note your phone number and e-mail address. Note place and date, sign the document
7: Leave empty
8: Select "C104 Transport de DAI conditionnées/emballées"
9: Upload all pages on the Uber Driver App
10: Send the filled out Meldeformular to the Service de la consommation et affaires vétérinaires, Rue Pré-d'Amédée 2, Case postale 670, 1950 Sion or via e-mail to