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Canton Fribourg

1: Select "Nouvelle annonce"

2: In "Personne responsable" note your first and last name, phone number and e-mail address

3: In "Adresse de l'enterprise" note your private address, phone number and e-mail address

4: In "Taille de l'enterprise" select "Entreprise unique" and "Entreprise d'importance régionale"

5: In "Betriebstätigkeit" note "Livreur, transport de marchandises emballées"

6: In "Remarque" note place and date, sign the date

7: Upload all pages on the Uber Driver App

8: Send the filled out Meldeformular to the Service de la sécurité alimentaire et des affaires vétérinaires, Impasse de la Colline 4, 1762 Givisiez or via e-mail to