As our health plan customers prepare to file benefits for 2023, we often are asked, “How many rides should I offer for X service?”
We always respond with the same question: “What is your goal?”
Knowing the purpose of the benefit is the most important thing a health plan can do when designing strategy, benefit limits, and a communication plan for supplemental benefits.
For example: as health plans are considering introducing rides to a grocery store to tackle food insecurity, we are often asked, “Is 12 rides right?”
When probed “What is your goal?” that answer becomes clearer. If the goal is to help ensure that members have access to healthy food weekly, then the benefit becomes:
- Single delivery once per week (52 deliveries a year) or
- Round-trip rides once a week (104 rides a year)
In our view, the goal of supplemental benefits is almost always the same: make it easy for at-risk members to access and adhere to their care plan.
Thinking about how to get members to use existing benefits? Read 3 ways to optimize the impact of benefits.
If you’d like to learn more about how to use Uber Health within your supplemental benefits, please visit and contact us today.
Posted by Caitlin Donovan and Dr. Mike Cantor
Get a ride when you need one
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Get a ride when you need one
Start earning in your city
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