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Earnings Estimator FAQs

  • The estimate provided is not a guarantee. The estimate represents the median earnings of drivers in your city in the last month who drove approximately the number of hours you selected. The estimate provided does not include costs for which you will be responsible, like gas, maintenance, and others.

  • Earnings are estimated from trip fares and tips and include some promotional offers (including Quest and Consecutive Trips). Tips are given at the rider’s discretion and not guaranteed. We include tips in the estimator by looking at the median amount of tips (including those cases where there was no tip) received by drivers who drove a similar amount of hours.

    Estimates do not include referral rewards and some other promotional offers, and also do not include payments to drivers that are for reimbursements of costs paid by the driver (e.g., for toll fares). The estimate provided does not include costs for which you will be responsible, like gas, maintenance, and others.

  • The earnings estimates displayed are based on drivers in your city who drove a similar number of hours to those selected in the experience over the course of the last month (from the time the data is refreshed).

    Estimates do not include signup bonuses, referral rewards, and some other special one-off promotional offers. Estimates also do not include payments to drivers that are for reimbursements of costs paid by the driver (e.g., for toll fares). Quest and Consecutive Trip promotions are included. The estimate provided does not include costs for which you will be responsible, like gas, maintenance, and others.

  • To provide earnings estimates, we start by looking at the earnings of all drivers in your city who drove around the number of hours you selected over the last 3 months. With this sample of drivers, we group into hourly buckets, calculate the median earnings for each bucket, then take the average of the median earnings produced.

    For example, if the number of hours selected was “Around 30 hours," we identify all the drivers who drove 27.5 - 28.5 hours, 28.5 - 29.5 hours, 29.5 - 30.5 hours, 30.5 - 31.5 hours, and 31.5 - 32.5 hours. For each set of drivers, we calculate the median, then take an average of those medians.

  • A median number is the middle of all the numbers in a group if you order them from smallest to largest. About half of the numbers in the group will be greater and half of them will be smaller. In our earnings data, the median is often described as the best single measure of what is “typical.”

  • The numbers shown are all based on medians (see above for a description of how a median is calculated). The important thing to remember is that an equal number of drivers earned more and an equal number of drivers earned less than the median, and then these “typical” medians were averaged across the hours in the range you chose in order to give you a sense of what is typical for the rough number of hours you selected. Actual earnings vary based on a number of factors including seasonality, number of rides accepted and taken, time of day, location, and other factors.

  • We typically refresh the information displayed in the earnings estimator every 2 weeks to show what was typical in the last month.

  • Driving patterns change based on the number of hours drivers drive in a week. Said differently, drivers who spend different amounts of hours driving spend proportionally different amounts of their driving time in peak areas and times and can qualify for different promotions, resulting in different earnings rates.

  • For the purposes of these estimates, we included all periods when drivers are online in the app. We did this because we understand that new drivers particularly will want a sense of how they will earn by hour and it would be very difficult to calculate hourly earnings in weekly ranges if we looked only at the time when drivers were driving to an accepted trip or on trip.