Az ittas vezetés megelőzése
Crashes that result from texting while driving and when under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol can be prevented.
Our vast network of riders and drivers holds one another accountable to help keep everyone safe.
Providing safer options
Partnering with Mothers Against Drunk Driving
Az Uber és a MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving, Anyák az ittas vezetés ellen) közösen dolgoznak a #DesignatedRider megoldás népszerűsítésén – hangsúlyozva, hogy ha hagyod, hogy más vezessen, azzal életeket menthetsz.
Helping make nights out safer in Australia
Our partnership with DrinkWise makes it easy to leave if your friends want to keep drinking but you don’t. Ghost with Uber lets you request a ride—then share your status with your friends once you’re safely on your way home.