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Uber AI

Scaling Machine Learning at Uber with Michelangelo

2 November 2018 / Global
Featured image for Scaling Machine Learning at Uber with Michelangelo
Figure 1: The core strategy pillars of the Michelangelo Machine Learning Platform.
Figure 2: Organizational interactions of different teams in Uber’s ML ecosystem.
Figure 3: Michelangelo’s model comparison page showing a comparison of two models’ behavior across different segments and features.
Figure 4: The workflow of a machine learning project. Defining a problem, prototyping a solution, productionizing the solution and measuring the impact of the solution is the core workflow. The loops throughout the workflow represent the many iterations of feedback gathering needed to perfect the solution and complete the project.
Jeremy Hermann

Jeremy Hermann

Jeremy Hermann is an engineering manager on Uber's Michelangelo team.

Posted by Jeremy Hermann, Mike Del Balso
