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Make extra money with Consecutive Trips

14 June 2022 / Ireland
Featured image for Make extra money with Consecutive Trips

Why Consecutive Trips?

A Consecutive Trips promotion may be offered based on anticipated rider demand. That’s why if you drive during busy hours, there could be more of these promotions available—and the more Consecutive Trips you complete, the more money you will make. Here’s a quick recap on how it works.*

1. Start in the zone

When the promotion begins, a zone will appear on your screen—navigate there before starting.

2. Take your first trip

Your first trip must start in the zone. After that, you can drop off and pick up from anywhere.

3. Drive 3 in a row

Complete 2 more trips (even if they’re out of the zone or after the promotion time) without rejecting or going offline.

Don’t forget

Stay online
That means you don’t turn off your phone or reject a ride.

Your first trip must start in the zone


After that, you can pick up trips anywhere.

Your last 2 trips
Can start outside of the zone and end after the promotion period.

Frequently asked questions

  • When the promotion time begins, start your trip within the blue zone that appears on your app screen. 

    Tap the Consecutive Trips icon for help navigating to the zone—that’s where you need to be to pick up your first qualifying trip.

  • Going offline or rejecting a trip. Don’t worry about passenger cancellations—those will not disqualify you.

  • Check the Promotion section of your Driver app to see your available promotions. We may also send you emails and text messages with promotion details.

    1. Tap the tracker at the top of your map screen.
    2. A larger view will pop up.
    3. Swipe left to see how many more trips you need to complete the promotion.

    1. Tap on your profile picture.
    2. Tap the Earnings icon.
    3. Tap Earnings details.
    4. Scroll down to see the Consecutive Trips line in your earnings breakdown.

  • No, rider cancellations will not affect your Consecutive Trips progress or disqualify you. Keep going and finish your additional trips to complete the promotion.

  • For each Consecutive Trip series, you only have to start the first trip at the promotion time; it doesn’t matter what time you finish. See the varying promotion times in the Promotions section of your Driver app.

    1. Tap on your profile picture.
    2. Tap the Earnings icon.
    3. Tap the Promotions box.
    4. You will see all Consecutive Trips offerings along with promotion start times.

  • Yes! Your Consecutive Trips count toward your Quest trips.

  • Yes, when available, you can complete multiple Consecutive Trips series and receive additional earnings for each one. Just remember to start each new series inside the blue zone that appears on your app screen during the promotion time.

    That’s why this promotion is great for making extra money—there could be many available series to choose from each day, and over time they could really add up.

*Check the Promotions section of your Driver app to see your available promotions.

Posted by Uber


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