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Uber has your back with star ratings

July 18, 2023 / Colombia
Featured image for Uber has your back with star ratings

The Uber platform features a 2-way rating system: drivers and riders give each other ratings based on their trip experience.


How ratings work

After each trip, riders and drivers have the opportunity to rate each other from 1 to 5 stars, based on their trip experience. Ratings are anonymous. You won’t see individual ratings tied to a particular trip or person.

Your driver rating is an average of the last 500 ratings from your riders.

Ratings protection

We understand that there are things out of your control that may affect your rating. To protect your rating against overly negative or biased riders, we check whether the ratings a particular rider leaves are consistently low and remove these from your rating calculation.

Ratings with feedback that are beyond your control are also excluded. The list includes:

  • Incorrect or poor navigation
  • Mechanical issues
  • Wrong pin location
  • Bad co-rider behavior
  • and more

How to give and get ratings

  • After a trip, the app gives you and your rider each the opportunity to provide a rating
  • If you or your rider chooses lower than 5 stars, the app may ask for a bit more feedback about why that rating was chosen
  • Riders also have the option to choose from a set of compliments that apply to you or your trip together
  • The app adds the ratings you get into an average that’s displayed to your riders before and during a trip. Your rating is an average of the last 500 ratings you’ve received

How to check your rating

You can see your ratings, feedback, and compliments in your Driver app. Tap the menu icon in the upper left corner, then your profile photo, and then tap the average rating under your name for details.

Posted by Uber


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