The holidays are a time to spend with friends and family and enjoy the end of the year without having to worry about how to get from celebration to celebration. This month will be the busiest holiday travel on record, with millions expected to be on the roads travelling to see loved ones. Every day, on average, up to 4 Canadians are killed in alcohol and/or drug- related motor vehicle crashes in Canada. 

MADD Canada (Mothers Against Drunk Driving) and Uber are teaming up to remind you to not get behind the wheel while being impaired when there are a million reasons to ride. Whether you choose to take public transportation, request a ride using Uber, or find a designated driver, there is always an alternative to impaired driving. 

“Our message this holiday season is if you are consuming alcohol, cannabis or other drugs, don’t drive. There are plenty of safe and sober transportation options available such as Uber. Make sure you have a plan before you head out,” said MADD Canada Chief Executive Officer, Andy Murie. “And if you’re hosting parties at home, offer non-alcoholic drinks to your designated drivers and call an Uber for anyone who did not plan ahead.”

To help raise awareness around this issue, we are highlighting our ongoing safety awareness campaign, Reason to Ride, in collaboration with our long-time partner, MADD Canada. 


In addition, we are also partnering with law enforcement associations to help distribute safety toolkits that aim to educate the public on how easy it is to find a ride home. 

We can all do our part in spreading awareness and encouraging friends and family that there is never a reason to get behind the wheel after drinking when there are a million reasons to ride. To learn more about Uber and MADD Canada’s partnership, go here