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What Moves Us—connecting drivers and riders responsibly

November 28, 2018 / Canada
Featured image for What Moves Us—connecting drivers and riders responsibly
ImageExpanding access: Dependable earnings at the push of a button. By operating an open marketplace, Uber will fight to enable drivers everywhere to earn when, where, and how they want.
ImageDelivering reliability: Why aren’t you always matched with the closest rider? Because we minimize the collective wait time of the network—yours and the time of other drivers close by. This way, our network is more reliable and you can have confidence in accepting every trip request.
ImageProviding choice: Why might you make more money during rush hour downtown than midday in a suburb? Because when and where you drive may affect your earnings potential. We know the right choice is one that fits into your schedule and meets your goals, so we equip you with the best information to help you succeed.
ImageAligning needs: How can a rider get all the way across town for less than $5, and how does that affect you as a driver? Our pricing is flexible, which means the service fee can vary from trip to trip. That flexibility enables us to give riders a low, upfront price, while also ensuring that you will always earn money for your actual time and effort on the road.
ImageBeing upfront: Clarity enables smarter decisions to meet your needs. We will be upfront with you about how our pricing and matching of drivers with riders may affect your earnings.

Posted by Uber


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