Following the passage of the New Vehicle Efficiency Standard through Federal Parliament, Emma Foley, Managing Director of Uber Australia & New Zealand, commented:

“It’s time governments speed up, not slow down, on an all-electric future, and Uber applauds the passage of the New Vehicle Efficiency Standard through the Federal Parliament today.

“This is a historic moment that brings Australia in line with almost every advanced economy. This legislation will reduce costs and improve choice for Aussie drivers when it comes to EVs. We know that an EV can have an outsized impact when used for rideshare, realising four times the emissions savings compared to the private car.

“To achieve Australia’s climate ambitions, it will require sustained investment and action across the public and private sectors. Uber remains committed to helping drivers make the switch to EVs, and we’re encouraged by this clear signal from the Government that it’s willing to lean in on electrification.”