Updated April 17th, 2:00pm PST
The health and safety of the Uber community is always our priority. We want to share some tips on how you can take care of yourself and also update you on what riders and Eats customers are doing to keep you safe during this challenging time.
Steps you can take
Most importantly, do not drive or deliver food if you’re feeling sick. There is financial assistance available for drivers and delivery people who are diagnosed with COVID-19 or placed in individual quarantine by a public health authority.
If you’re driving, we advise you to
- Wear a face covering if you have one. Please consider wearing a face covering if you have one. We’re also working to supply masks and disinfectant for drivers and delivery people. These supplies are limited, but we are working hard to get more.
- Cover your mouth and nose if you sneeze or cough. Use your elbow or a tissue to cover your mouth and dispose of the tissue immediately.
- Open the window. If possible, roll down the windows to improve ventilation.
- Clean your car regularly. If they’re available, use sanitizing supplies to clean places people touch regularly, such as door handles and seat belts.
- Let riders handle their own belongings. Open the trunk yourself, but let your riders place and remove their personal items on their own.
If you’re delivering, we advise you to
- Wear a face covering if you have one. Please consider wearing a face covering if you have one. We’re also working to supply masks and disinfectant for drivers and delivery people. These supplies are limited, but we are working hard to get more.
- Cover your mouth and nose if you sneeze or cough. Do so into your elbow or a tissue and dispose of the tissue immediately.
- Be aware of high-touch surfaces. At all stages of delivery, try to avoid touching frequently touched surfaces, or wash your hands immediately afterward.
- Pay attention to restaurant pickup instructions. Please pay attention to either physical signage or in-app delivery notes on what to do when picking up orders.
- Keep your distance when picking up and delivering. Please observe local social distancing guidance. Consider waiting outside the restaurant and at a distance from other people when picking up orders.
- Drop off at the door. If the customer requests it, please leave deliveries at the door to help reduce contact with others. Pay attention to your in-app delivery notes on what to do when dropping off these orders.
What we’re requesting of riders and Eats customers
- Wash their hands before and after they ride.
- Cover their mouth and nose if they sneeze or cough.
- Sit in the back to give you more space.
We’re also asking Eats customers to request delivery drop-offs at the door. This will help limit person to person contact and potential spread of the virus.
We’re here to support you. Stay informed by visiting our Coronavirus Resource webpage or keep checking the Driver blog for more details.
Posted by Shagun Vatsa
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